1. Go to this page and download the library: Download shinsenter/defer.php library. Choose the download type require.
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards https://php-download.com/ */
shinsenter / defer.php example snippets
// Include the library
from here
// Include the library
$defer = new \AppSeeds\Defer();
// Read HTML source from file
$html_source = file_get_contents('mypage.html');
// Then get the optimized output
$result = $defer->fromHtml($html_source)->toHtml($html);
// You can use the same instance to keep loading another HTML and optimize it
$result2 = $defer->fromHtml(file_get_contents('otherpage.html'))->toHtml();
// Include the library
$options = [
// Insert debug information inside the output HTML after optimization.
// Debug information will contain outer HTMLs of tags before being optimized.
// Default: false (turn off the debug information)
'debug_mode' => false,
// Although defer.js is the soul of this library,
// in some regions, you may want to serve defer.js library locally
// due to The General Data Protection Regulation (EU).
// See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/General_Data_Protection_Regulation
// If you need to manually insert the defer.js library yourself,
// please enable this option to true.
// Default: false (always automatically insert defer.js library)
'manually_add_deferjs' => false,
// URL to defer.js javascript file.
// Default: https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@shinsenter/[email protected]/dist/defer_plus.min.js
'deferjs_src' => \AppSeeds\DeferConstant::SRC_DEFERJS_CDN,
// URL to javascript contains fixes.
// for some older browsers that do not support IntersectionObserver feature.
// Default: https://polyfill.io/v3/polyfill.min.js?features=IntersectionObserver
'polyfill_src' => \AppSeeds\DeferConstant::SRC_POLYFILL_CDN,
// Inline the defer.js library to minimize download time in the browser.
// Default: true (always automatically inline defer.js library)
'inline_deferjs' => true,
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// This option moves all stylesheets to bottom of the head tag,
// and moves script tags to bottom of the body tag
// See: https://web.dev/render-blocking-resources/
// Default: true (always automatically fix render blocking)
'fix_render_blocking' => true,
// Turn on optimization for stylesheets
// This option applies to style and link[rel="stylesheet"] tags.
// Best practices: https://web.dev/extract-critical-css/
// Default: true (automatically optimize stylesheets)
'optimize_css' => true,
// Optimize script tags (both inline and external scripts).
// Note: The library only minify for inline script tags.
// See: https://web.dev/unminified-javascript/
// Default: true (automatically optimize script tags)
'optimize_scripts' => true,
// Optimize img, picture, video, audio and source tags.
// See: https://web.dev/browser-level-image-lazy-loading/
// See: https://web.dev/lazy-loading-images/
// Default: true (automatically optimize)
'optimize_images' => true,
// Optimize iframe, frame, embed tags.
// See: https://web.dev/lazy-loading-video/
// Default: true (automatically optimize)
'optimize_iframes' => true,
// Optimize tags that containing CSS for loading images from external sources.
// For example, style properties contain background-image:url() etc.
// See: https://web.dev/optimize-css-background-images-with-media-queries/
// Default: true (automatically optimize)
'optimize_background' => true,
// Create noscript tags so lazy-loaded elements can still display
// even when the browser doesn't have javascript enabled.
// This option applies to all tags that have been lazy-loaded.
// See: https://web.dev/without-javascript/
// Default: true (automatically create fallback noscript tags)
'optimize_fallback' => true,
// Optimize anchor tags, fix unsafe links to cross-origin destinations
// See: https://web.dev/external-anchors-use-rel-noopener/
// Default: true (automatically optimize)
'optimize_anchors' => true,
// Add missing meta tags such as meta[name="viewport"], meta[charset] etc.
// See: https://web.dev/viewport/
// Default: true (automatically optimize)
'add_missing_meta_tags' => true,
// Preconnect to
// Include the library
function ob_deferphp($html) {
// Create a Defer object
$defer = new \AppSeeds\Defer([
/* declare options here */
return $defer->fromHtml($html)->toHtml();
// Call ob_start() function to create an output buffer
// and pass above callback function name as its argument.
// This function should be called before any other process to print the content.
// .......... (place your PHP code here)
// And call this to flush optimized output HTML
// right before you send the final HTML to browser.
Loading please wait ...
Before you can download the PHP files, the dependencies should be resolved. This can take some minutes. Please be patient.