PHP code example of shiftechafrica / pam-php-sdk

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download shiftechafrica/pam-php-sdk library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


shiftechafrica / pam-php-sdk example snippets

        use PAM\API\B2C;
        use PAM\API\PayLoad;
        use PAM\API\RegC2bUrl;
        use PAM\API\ShortCode;
        use PAM\API\App;
        use PAM\API\STKPush;
        use PAM\API\Balance;
         * Fetch all your shortcodes
        (new ShortCode())->index();

         * Get details of one shortcode
         * by passing the id
        (new ShortCode())->show('id');

         * Fetch all your apps
        (new App())->index();

         * Get details of one app
         * by passing the id
        (new App())->show('id');

         * Fetch max <= 1000 latest transactions
        (new PayLoad())->index();

         * Get details of one payload
         * by passing the id
        (new PayLoad())->show('id');

         * get the validate shortcode
         * @return mixed
        (new ShortCode())->validate([
            "ConsumerKey" => "",
            "ConsumerSecret" => "",
            "Environment" => "" // sandbox or production

         * get the initiate stk
         * push
         * @return mixed
        (new STKPush())->initiateSTK([
            "CallingCode" => "", // 254 or 255
            "Secret" => "",
            "TransactionType" => "", // CustomerPayBillOnline or CustomerBuyGoodsOnline
            "PhoneNumber" => "",
            "Amount" => "",
            "ResultUrl" => "",
            "Description" => ""

         * register c2b url for lipa_na_mpesa
         * @return JsonResponse|mixed
        (new RegC2bUrl())->registerC2BURL([
            "Secret" => ""

         * check paybill/till balance
         * @return JsonResponse|mixed
        (new Balance())->checkBalance([
            "Secret" => ""

         * process the b2c transaction
         * here
         * @return mixed
        (new B2C())->initiateB2C([
            "CallingCode" => "", // 254 or 255
            "Secret" => "",
            "TransactionType" => "", // SalaryPayment or BusinessPayment or PromotionPayment
            "PhoneNumber" => "",
            "Amount" => "",
            "ResultUrl" => "",
            "Description" => ""

         * process the stk payment confirmation
         * here
         * @return mixed
        return (new ConfirmPayment())->stkPayment([
            "Secret" => "",// secret for handling stk transactions
            "ReferenceNumber" => "", // the transaction number used for initiating the payment.
            "ResultUrl" => "", // url to receive the payment status
             * process the withdrawal confirmation
             * here
             * @return mixed
            return (new ConfirmPayment())->withdrawPayment([
                "Secret" => "", // secret for handling b2c transactions
                "ReferenceNumber" => "", // the transaction number used for initiating the payment.
                "ResultUrl" => "", // url to receive the payment status

   # Sample 200 response
    "data": {
        "Message": "The m-pesa app keys are valid."
    "success": true

     # Sample 200 response
    "data": {
        "Message": "Validation and Confirmation URLs are already registered"
    "success": true

     # Sample 200 response
    "data": {
        "Number": XXXXX,
        "Balance": 38,000.00
    "success": true

    # This the response for making a successful request
    "data": {
        "Message": "Request accepted for processing...",
        "ReferenceNumber": "2BONOSBBTN"
    "success": true

    # stk successful payment done.
    "data": {
        "Success": true,
        "Description": "The service request is processed successfully.",
        "ReferenceNumber": "2BONOSBBTN",
        "PhoneNumber": "254XXXXXXXXX",
        "MpesaReceiptNumber": "PBO2ZOBY44",
        "Amount": 20000

    # c2b/lipa na mpesa successful payment done.
    "data": {
        "Success": true,
        "Description": "The service request is processed successfully.",
        "ReferenceNumber": "2BONOSBBTN",
        "PhoneNumber": "254XXXXXXXXX",
        "MpesaReceiptNumber": "PBO2ZOBY44",
        "Amount": 20000,
        'TransactionType': 'Pay Bill'
        'OrgAccountBalance': 50000,

    # stk/c2b payment not done
    "data": {
        "Success": false,
        "Description": "Request cancelled by user",
        "ReferenceNumber": "2BOXRDNMLU",
        "PhoneNumber": "254XXXXXXXXX"
    # This the response for checking stk push payment - similar to mpesa stk push query
    "data": {
        "Message": "Accepted for processing..."
    "success": true
    # stk push payment confirmation callback...
    "data": {
        "Success": true or false,
        "Description": "The service request is processed successfully.",
        "ReferenceNumber": "2BONOSBBTN",
        "PhoneNumber": "254XXXXXXXXX",
        "MpesaReceiptNumber": "PBO2ZOBY44",
        "Amount": 20000

    # This the response for making a successful request
    "data": {
        "Message": "Request accepted for processing...",
        "ReferenceNumber": "2BO6BCTLYF"
    "success": true

    # b2c successful withdraw payment done.
    "data": {
       'Success' => true,
       'Description' => 'Salary payment',
       'ReferenceNumber' => '2BO6BCTLYF',
       'PhoneNumber' => '254XXXXXXXXX',
       'MpesaReceiptNumber' => 'PBO2ZOBY44',
       'Amount' => 50000,
       'B2CUtilityAccountAvailableFunds' => 70000,
       'B2CWorkingAccountAvailableFunds' => 70000,
       'B2CChargesPaidAccountAvailableFunds' => 70000

    # b2c withdraw payment not done.
    "data": {
        "Success": false,
        "Description": "The initiator information is invalid.",
        "ReferenceNumber": "2BO6BCTLYF",
        "PhoneNumber": "254XXXXXXXXX"
    # This the response for checking withdrawal payment
    "data": {
        "Message": "Accepted for processing..."
    "success": true
    # withdrawal payment confirmation callback...
    "data": {
       'Success' => true or false,
       'Description' => 'Salary payment',
       'ReferenceNumber' => '2BO6BCTLYF',
       'PhoneNumber' => '254XXXXXXXXX',
       'MpesaReceiptNumber' => 'PBO2ZOBY44',
       'Amount' => 50000,
       'B2CUtilityAccountAvailableFunds' => 70000,
       'B2CWorkingAccountAvailableFunds' => 70000,
       'B2CChargesPaidAccountAvailableFunds' => 70000

# run this to get the configuration file at config/pam.php <-- read through it -->
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="PAM\PAMServiceProvider"