PHP code example of shiftby / metayaml

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download shiftby/metayaml library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


shiftby / metayaml example snippets

use RomaricDrigon\MetaYaml\MetaYaml;

// create object, load schema from an array
$schema = new MetaYaml($schema);

    you can optionally validate the schema
    it can take some time (up to a second for a few hundred lines)
    so do it only once, and maybe only in development!
$schema->validateSchema(); // return true or throw an exception

// you could also have done this at init
$schema = new MetaYaml($schema, true); // will load AND validate the schema

// finally, validate your data array according to the schema
$schema->validate($data); // return true or throw an exception

use RomaricDrigon\MetaYaml\MetaYaml;
use RomaricDrigon\MetaYaml\Loader\YamlLoader;
use RomaricDrigon\MetaYaml\Loader\XmlLoader; // JsonLoader is already available

// create one loader object
$loader = new JsonLoader(); // Json (will use php json_decode)
$loader = new YamlLoader(); // Yaml using Symfony Yaml component
$loader = new XmlLoader(); // Xml (using php SimpleXml)

// the usage is the same then
$array = $loader->load('SOME STRING...');
// or you can load from a file
$array = $loader->loadFromFile('path/to/file');

// it's recommended to validate the schema before reading documentation
$schema = new MetaYaml($schema, true);

// get documentation about root node

// get documentation about a child node 'test' in an array 'a_test' under root
$schema->getDocumentationForNode(array('a_test', 'test'));

// finally, if you want to unfold (follow) all partials, set second argument to true
$schema->getDocumentationForNode(array('a_test', 'test'), true);
// watch out there's no loop inside partials!

    'name' => 'test', // name of current node, root for first node
    'node' => array(
        '_type' => 'array',
        '_children' => ... // and so on
    'prefix' => '_'

    'name' => 'test', // name of current node, from the choice key in the schema
    'node' => array(
        '_is_choice' => 'true', // important: so we know next keys are choices
        0 => array(
            '_type' => 'array' // and so on, for first choice
        1 => array(
            '_type' => 'text' // and so on, for second choice
        // ...
    'prefix' => '_'

array('fleurs' =>
    'roses' => array(
        'couleur' => 'rose',
        'sauvage' => array(
            'des_bois' => 'une autre rose',
            'des_sous_bois' => array(
                'sauvage' => 'oui',
                '_value' => 'encore'
    'tulipe' => 'deuxieme tulipe',
    'violette' => array(
        'couleur' => 'violette',
        'sauvage' => 'false',
        '_value' => 'une violette'

use RomaricDrigon\MetaYaml\MetaYaml\XsdGenerator;

// create a XsdGenerator object (ond parameter to soft-indent generated XML (default true)
$my_xsd_string = $generator->build($schema, true);
    <roses couleur="rose">
        <opera>une rose</opera>
            <des_bois>une autre rose</des_bois>
            <des_sous_bois sauvage="oui">encore</des_sous_bois>
    <tulipe>je vais disparaitre !</tulipe>
    <tulipe>deuxieme tulipe</tulipe>
    <fleur couleur="violette" sauvage="false" _key="violette">une violette</fleur>