PHP code example of shieldfy / sniffer

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download shieldfy/sniffer library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


shieldfy / sniffer example snippets

$type = (new \Shieldfy\Sniffer\Sniffer)->sniff('12.5'); //number

$type = (new \Shieldfy\Sniffer\Sniffer)->sniff('hello world'); //string

$type = (new \Shieldfy\Sniffer\Sniffer)->sniff(json_encode(['hello'=>1,'world'=>'!'])); //json

$type = (new \Shieldfy\Sniffer\Sniffer)->sniff(serialize(['hello'=>1,'world'=>'!'])); //serialize

//you can add more than value as array
$type = (new \Shieldfy\Sniffer\Sniffer)->sniff(['555','abc']);

//test against particular type
$result = (new \Shieldfy\Sniffer\Sniffer)->is('123456789','number'); //true

//you can register your own sniffer on the runtime
$type = (new \Shieldfy\Sniffer\Sniffer)->register('hello',function($input){
		return true;
	return false;
})->sniff('say hello world');