PHP code example of shetabit / multipay

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download shetabit/multipay library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


shetabit / multipay example snippets

// Eg. if you want to use zarinpal.
'default' => 'zarinpal',

'drivers' => [
    'zarinpal' => [
        // Fill in the credentials here.
        'apiPurchaseUrl' => '',
        'apiPaymentUrl' => '',
        'apiVerificationUrl' => '',
        'merchantId' => '',
        'callbackUrl' => '',
        'description' => 'payment in '.config(''),

    use Shetabit\Multipay\Payment;

    // load the config file from your project
    $paymentConfig = 

// At the top of the file.
use Shetabit\Multipay\Invoice;

// Create new invoice.
$invoice = new Invoice;

// Set invoice amount.

// Add invoice details: There are 4 syntax available for this.
// 1
$invoice->detail(['detailName' => 'your detail goes here']);
// 2 
$invoice->detail('detailName','your detail goes here');
// 3
$invoice->detail(['name1' => 'detail1','name2' => 'detail2']);
// 4
$invoice->detail('detailName1','your detail1 goes here')
        ->detail('detailName2','your detail2 goes here');

// At the top of the file.
use Shetabit\Multipay\Invoice;
use Shetabit\Multipay\Payment;

// load the config file from your project
$paymentConfig = hase($invoice,function($driver, $transactionId) {
	// We can store $transactionId in database.

// Purchase method accepts a callback function.
$payment->purchase($invoice, function($driver, $transactionId) {
    // We can store $transactionId in database.

// You can specify callbackUrl
    function($driver, $transactionId) {
    	// We can store $transactionId in database.

// At the top of the file.
use Shetabit\Multipay\Invoice;
use Shetabit\Multipay\Payment;

// load the config file from your project
$paymentConfig =  should use return statement to redirect user to the bank page.
return $payment->purchase($invoice, function($driver, $transactionId) {
    // Store transactionId in database as we need it to verify payment in the future.

// Do all things together in a single line.
return $payment->purchase(
    (new Invoice)->amount(1000), 
    function($driver, $transactionId) {
    	// Store transactionId in database.
        // We need the transactionId to verify payment in the future.

// Retrieve json format of Redirection (in this case you can handle redirection to bank gateway)
return $payment->purchase(
    (new Invoice)->amount(1000), 
    function($driver, $transactionId) {
    	// Store transactionId in database.
        // We need the transactionId to verify payment in the future.

// At the top of the file.
use Shetabit\Multipay\Payment;
use Shetabit\Multipay\Exceptions\InvalidPaymentException;

// load the config file from your project
$paymentConfig =  a good practice to add invoice amount as well.
try {
	$receipt = $payment->amount(1000)->transactionId($transaction_id)->verify();

    // You can show payment referenceId to the user.
    echo $receipt->getReferenceId();

} catch (InvalidPaymentException $exception) {
    	when payment is not verified, it will throw an exception.
    	We can catch the exception to handle invalid payments.
    	getMessage method, returns a suitable message that can be used in user interface.
    echo $exception->getMessage();

  // At the top of the file.
  use Shetabit\Multipay\Invoice;
  use Shetabit\Multipay\Payment;

  // load the config file from your project
  $paymentConfig = ckUrl($url)->purchase(
      function($driver, $transactionId) {
      // We can store $transactionId in database.

  // At the top of the file.
  use Shetabit\Multipay\Invoice;
  use Shetabit\Multipay\Payment;

  // load the config file from your project
  $paymentConfig = on($driver, $transactionId) {
      // We can store $transactionId in database.

  // At the top of the file.
  use Shetabit\Multipay\Invoice;
  use Shetabit\Multipay\Payment;

  // load the config file from your project
  $paymentConfig = riverName')->purchase(
      function($driver, $transactionId) {
      // We can store $transactionId in database.

  // At the top of the file.
  use Shetabit\Multipay\Invoice;
  use Shetabit\Multipay\Payment;

  // load the config file from your project
  $paymentConfig = configs.
  $payment->config('mechandId', 'your mechand id')->purchase(
      function($driver, $transactionId) {
      // We can store $transactionId in database.

  // Also we can change multiple configs at the same time.
  $payment->config(['key1' => 'value1', 'key2' => 'value2'])->purchase(
      function($driver, $transactionId) {
      // We can store $transactionId in database.

  // At the top of the file.
  use Shetabit\Multipay\Invoice;

  // Create new invoice.
  $invoice = (new Invoice)->amount(1000);

  // Use invoice bag to store custom field values.
              'ResNum1' => $order->orderId,
              'ResNum2' => $customer->verifiedCode,
              'ResNum3' => $someValue,
              'ResNum4' => $someOtherValue,

'drivers' => [
    'zarinpal' => [...],
    'my_driver' => [
        ... // Your Config Params here.

namespace App\Packages\Multipay\Driver;

use Shetabit\Multipay\Abstracts\Driver;
use Shetabit\Multipay\Exceptions\InvalidPaymentException;
use Shetabit\Multipay\{Contracts\ReceiptInterface, Invoice, RedirectionForm, Receipt};

class MyDriver extends Driver
    protected $invoice; // Invoice.

    protected $settings; // Driver settings.

    public function __construct(Invoice $invoice, $settings)
        $this->invoice($invoice); // Set the invoice.
        $this->settings = (object) $settings; // Set settings.

    // Purchase the invoice, save its transactionId and finaly return it.
    public function purchase() {
        // Request for a payment transaction id.


        return $transId;

    // Redirect into bank using transactionId, to complete the payment.
    public function pay() : RedirectionForm {
        // It is better to set bankApiUrl in config/payment.php and retrieve it here:
        $bankUrl = $this->settings->bankApiUrl; // bankApiUrl is the config name.

        // Prepare payment url.
        $payUrl = $bankUrl.$this->invoice->getTransactionId();

        // Redirect to the bank.
        $url = $payUrl;
        $inputs = [];
        $method = 'GET';

        return $this->redirectWithForm($url, $inputs, $method);
    // Verify the payment (we must verify to ensure that user has paid the invoice).
    public function verify(): ReceiptInterface {
        $verifyPayment = $this->settings->verifyApiUrl;
        $verifyUrl = $verifyPayment.$this->invoice->getTransactionId();
			Then we send a request to $verifyUrl and if payment is not valid we throw an InvalidPaymentException with a suitable message.
        throw new InvalidPaymentException('a suitable message');
        	We create a receipt for this payment if everything goes normally.
        return new Receipt('driverName', 'payment_receipt_number');

'map' => [
    'my_driver' => App\Packages\Multipay\Driver\MyDriver::class,

// add purchase event listener
Payment::addPurchaseListener(function($driver, $invoice) {
    echo $driver;
    echo $invoice;

// add pay event listener
Payment::addPayListener(function($driver, $invoice) {
    echo 'first listener';

// we can add multiple listeners
Payment::addPayListener(function($driver, $invoice) {
    echo 'second listener';

// we can add multiple listeners and also remove them!!!

$firstListener = function($driver, $invoice) {
    echo 'first listener';

$secondListener = function($driver, $invoice) {
    echo 'second listener';


// remove first listener

// if we call remove listener without any arguments, it will remove all listeners
Payment::removeVerifyListener(); // remove all verify listeners :D

$invoice = (new Invoice)->amount(10000);
$payment->via('local')->purchase($invoice, function($driver, $transactionId) {
    // a fake transaction ID is generated and returned.

$receipt = $payment->via('local')->verify();

'orderId' => // fake order number 
'traceNo' => // fake trace number (this should be stored in databse)
'referenceNo' => // generated transaction ID in `purchase` method callback
'cardNo' => // fake last four digits of card 

    // setting this value will cause `purchase` method to throw an `PurchaseFailedException` 
    // to simulate when a gateway can not initialize the payment.
        'failedPurchase' => 'custom message to decribe the error',

    // Setting this parameter will be shown in payment form.
        'orderId' => 4444,

'local' => [
    // default callback url of the driver
    'callbackUrl' => '/callback',

    // main title of the form
    'title' => 'Test gateway',
    // a description to show under the title for more clarification
    'description' => 'This gateway is for using in development environments only.',
    // custom label to show as order No.
    'orderLabel' => 'Order No.',
    // custom label to show as payable amount
    'amountLabel' => 'Payable amount',
    // custom label of successful payment button
    'payButton' => 'Successful Payment',
    // custom label of cancel payment button
    'cancelButton' => 'Cancel Payment',