PHP code example of shen2 / zen-oauth2

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download shen2/zen-oauth2 library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


shen2 / zen-oauth2 example snippets

$config = array(
	'akey' => 'app key', 
	'skey' => 'secret key', 
	'scope' => 'email,friendships_groups_read',
$oauth = new ZenOAuth2\WeiboOAuth2($config['akey'], $config['skey']);  //初始化oauth
$params = array(
	'client_id'	=> $config['akey'],
	'redirect_uri'	=> 'callback',//设置回调
	'response_type'	=> 'code',
	'state'		=> 'made by md5 avoid crsf',
	'display'	=> null,
	'scope'		=> $config['scope'],
	'forcelogin'    => 0, //是否使用已登陆微博账号

$authorizeUrl = $oauth->authorizeURL() . "?" . http_build_query($params);
header('Location : ' . $authorizeUrl);

$keys = array(
	'code'	=> $_REQUEST['code'],
	'redirect_uri'=> '{{redirec_uri}}',

$token = $oauth->getAccessToken('code', $keys);

$client = new ZenOAuth2\WeiboClient($token['access_token']);

$info = $client->get('users/show', array('uid'=>1739476392)); 

$data = $client->post('comments/destory', array('uid'=>1739476392, 'cid' => 'weiboid'));