PHP code example of sharonthe1st / laravel-eloquent-state-machines

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download sharonthe1st/laravel-eloquent-state-machines library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


sharonthe1st / laravel-eloquent-state-machines example snippets

$salesOrder->status; // 'pending', 'approved', 'declined' or 'processed'

$salesOrder->fulfillment; // null, 'pending', 'completed'



//With custom properties
$salesOrder->status()->transitionTo('approved', [
    'comments' => 'Customer has available credit',

//With responsible
$salesOrder->status()->transitionTo('approved', [], $responsible); // auth()->user() by default




$salesOrder->status()->responsible(); // User|null






use Asantibanez\LaravelEloquentStateMachines\StateMachines\StateMachine;

class StatusStateMachine extends StateMachine
    public function recordHistory(): bool
        return false;

    public function transitions(): array
        return [

    public function defaultState(): ?string
        return null;

public function transitions(): array
    return [
        'pending' => ['approved', 'declined'],
        'approved' => ['processed'],

public function transitions(): array
    return [
        '*' => ['approved', 'declined'], // From any to 'approved' or 'declined'
        'approved' => '*', // From 'approved' to any
        '*' => '*', // From any to any

public function defaultState(): ?string
    return 'pending'; // it can be null too

public function recordHistory(): bool
    return true;

use Asantibanez\LaravelEloquentStateMachines\Traits\HasStateMachines;
use App\StateMachines\StatusStateMachine;

class SalesOrder extends Model
    Use HasStateMachines;

    public $stateMachines = [
        'status' => StatusStateMachine::class

'status' => StatusStateMachine::class,
'fulfillment_status' => FulfillmentStatusStateMachine::class

fulfillment_status(); // or fulfillmentStatus()

$salesOrder->status()->transitionTo($to = 'approved');

$salesOrder->status()->transitionTo($to = 'approved', $customProperties = [
    'comments' => 'All ready to go'

    $to = 'approved',
    $customProperties = [],
    $responsible = User::first()

$salesOrder->status()->was('approved'); // true or false

$salesOrder->status()->timesWas('approved'); // int

$salesOrder->status()->whenWas('approved'); // ?Carbon




    ->withCustomProperty('comments', 'like', '%good%')

    ->whereHasStatus(function ($query) {
            ->withTransition('pending', 'approved')
    ->whereHasFulfillment(function ($query) {





$salesOrder = SalesOrder::create([
    'total' => 100,

$salesOrder->total = 200;


$salesOrder->changedAttributesNames(); // ['total']

$salesOrder->changedAttributeOldValue('total'); // 100
$salesOrder->changedAttributeNewValue('total'); // 200

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Validator as ValidatorFacade;

class StatusStateMachine extends StateMachine
    public function validatorForTransition($from, $to, $model): ?Validator
        if ($from === 'pending' && $to === 'approved') {
            return ValidatorFacade::make([
                'total' => $model->total,
            ], [
                'total' => 'gt:0',
        return parent::validatorForTransition($from, $to, $model);

class StatusStateMachine extends StateMachine
    public function beforeTransitionHooks(): array
        return [
            'approved' => [
                function ($to, $model) {
                    // Dispatch some job BEFORE "approved changes to $to"
                function ($to, $model) {
                    // Send mail BEFORE "approved changes to $to"

    public function afterTransitionHooks(): array
        return [
            'processed' => [
                function ($from, $model) {
                    // Dispatch some job AFTER "$from transitioned to processed"
                function ($from, $model) {
                    // Send mail AFTER "$from transitioned to processed"


php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Asantibanez\LaravelEloquentStateMachines\LaravelEloquentStateMachinesServiceProvider" --tag="migrations"
php artisan migrate