PHP code example of shaozeming / xunsearch

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download shaozeming/xunsearch library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


shaozeming / xunsearch example snippets

// config/xunsearch.php

    'default' => 'teacher',   //默认搜索库

    'databases' => [

//        老师搜索库配置 配置结构和官方ini文件类似,只不过替换为了php 数组形式方式展示,请照着官方文档和本配置文件对比,葫芦画瓢:
        'teacher' => [
            '' => 'teacher',
            'project.default_charset' => 'utf-8',
            'server.index' => '',
            '' => '',
            'id' => [
                'type' => 'id',
            'email' => [
                'index' => 'mixed',
            'name' => [
                'index' => 'mixed',
            'desc' => [
                'index' => 'mixed',


        'student' => [
            '' => 'student',
            'project.default_charset' => 'utf-8',
            'server.index' => '',
            '' => '',
            'id' => [
                'type' => 'id',
            'email' => [
                'index' => 'mixed',
            'name' => [
                'index' => 'mixed',
            'desc' => [
                'index' => 'mixed',


//        ...

        define('XS_APP_ROOT', 'your/config_file_path/dir/');  //可以定义配置文件目录
        $xs = new XunsearchService();

       $data =[
            ['id' => 1, 'email' => '[email protected]', 'name' => 'Shao ZeMing 邵泽明 邵澤明', 'lesson' => '朗诵主持,Reciting Hosting,朗誦主持,','desc'=>'我是谁,我在哪儿,我要做什么,我不告诉你'],
            ['id' => 2, 'email' => '[email protected]', 'name' => 'Chris Dong 董胜君  董勝君', 'lesson' => '朗诵主持,Reciting Hosting,朗誦主持,演講辯論,speech debate,演讲辩论','desc'=>'如果有一天,我走了,你应该知道我去了哪儿'],
            ['id' => 3, 'email' => '[email protected]', 'name' => '二傻子 Two fools', 'lesson' => '朗诵主持,Reciting Hosting,朗誦主持,','desc'=>'最近头发掉的厉害,我该怎么办好呀'],
            ['id' => 4, 'email' => '[email protected]', 'name' => '君莫笑 jun mo xiao 君莫笑', 'lesson' => '写作批改,writing correction,寫作批改,国学经典,National Classics,國學經典','desc'=>'哎呀,脑壳疼,脑壳疼,脑壳疼'],
            ['id' => 5, 'email' => '[email protected]', 'name' => '李四,li si 李四', 'lesson' => '朗诵主持,Reciting Hosting,朗誦主持,演講辯論,speech debate,演讲辩论,国学经典,National Classics,國學經典','desc'=>'你知道我对你不静静是喜欢'],
//        $result =  $xs->addIndex($data);  //添加索引
//        $result = $xs->search('泽明');   //搜索默认索引数据库
//        $result = $xs->setSort('id',true)->setLimit(15)->search('ming');  //搜索排序,或分页
//        $result = $xs->setDatabase('student')->search('shao');  //搜索自定义索引数据库
          $result = $xs->setDatabase('student')->search('shao');  //搜索自定义索引数据库

        //$result =  $xs->updateIndex($newData);  //更新单挑或多条索引
        //$result =  $xs->delIndex('3');  //删除单挑或多条索引
        //$result =  $xs->cleanIndex();   //清空索引

          * @return array  返回数组结构
                    return [
                              'doc'           => Object,      //搜索数据结果文档
                              'hot'           => array,       //热门词汇
                              'count'         => int,         //搜索结果统计
                              'total'         => int,         //数据库总数据
                              'corrected'     => array,       //搜索提示
                              'related'       => array,       //相关搜索
                              'search_cost'   => int,         //搜索所用时间
                              'total_cost'    => int,         //页面所用时间
    [doc] => Array
            [0] => XSDocument Object
                    [_data:XSDocument:private] => Array
                            [id] => 1
                            [email] => [email protected]
                            [name] => Shao ZeMing 邵泽明 邵澤明
                            [lesson] => 朗诵主持,Reciting Hosting,朗誦主持,
                            [desc] => 我是谁,我在哪儿,我要做什么,我不告诉你
                            [255] => 

                    [_terms:XSDocument:private] => 
                    [_texts:XSDocument:private] => 
                    [_charset:XSDocument:private] => UTF-8
                    [_meta:XSDocument:private] => Array
                            [docid] => 1
                            [rank] => 1
                            [ccount] => 0
                            [percent] => 100
                            [weight] => 1.1440536975861



    [hot] => Array

    [count] => 1
    [total] => 5
    [corrected] => Array

    [related] => Array

    [search_cost] => 0.00080204010009766
    [total_cost] => 0.004767894744873