PHP code example of shanjing / dcat-easy-sku
1. Go to this page and download the library: Download shanjing/dcat-easy-sku library . Choose the download type require .
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards */
shanjing / dcat-easy-sku example snippets
Form::make($builder, function(Form $form){
$sku_params = [
'name' => '拓展列第一列', // table 第一行 title
'field' => 'column1', // input 的 field_name 名称
'default' => '5', // 默认值
'name' => '拓展列第二列',
'field' => 'column2',
'default' => '',
$form->sku('sku', json_encode($sku_params))->display(true)->customFormat(function ($value) use ($form){
if($value === null){
// 这里是给sku喂数据, 数据格式为
$data = new stdClass();
$data->attrs = [
'颜色' => [
'大小' => [
$data->sku = [
"颜色" => "红色",
"大小" => '20',
"pic" => '图片',
"stock" => '库存',
"price" => '价格',
// 如果存在其他属性,则同样在这里塞进去
// 根据attrs做笛卡尔积,会有两种情况, 红色20 蓝色20,所以这两中都应该有,自行编辑数据
return json_encode($data);
return null;
$form->submitted(function (Form $form) {
$this->sku = $form->input('sku');
public function setSkuAttribute()
// 可以用saved回调,等该模型保存完后,再进行处理
$form->saved(function (Form $form, int $result) {
if ($result) {
$sku = json_decode($form->input('sku'));
$attrs = $sku->attrs;
// 这边拿到sku的数据就自己处理吧
* 上传商品规格图片
* @param Request $request
* @return string[]
public function skuImage(Request $request)
if ($request->hasFile('file')) {
$file = $request->file('file');
$disk = Storage::disk('cosv5');
$url = 'sku';
$res = $disk->put($url, $file);
// 返回格式
return ['url' => config('app.cos.cdn') . $res];
return [];