PHP code example of shamota / dotapi2

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download shamota/dotapi2 library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


shamota / dotapi2 example snippets

// Set your Steam API key

// Create wrapper
$client = new Client();

$filter = new Filters\Match();

// Returns a Response object that contains the raw body and JSON data.
$response = $client->getMatchHistory($filter);

// Turns response into a Match collection
$matchCollection = $response->getCollection('Match');

// Loops through all the found matches and dispays the start time.
foreach ($matchCollection as $match) {
    echo $match->getStartTime()->format('d-m-Y H:i:s') . PHP_EOL;

// Returns a Response object that contains the raw body and JSON data.
$response = $client->getMatchHistoryBySequenceNumber(new Filters\MatchSequence(2040184605, 10));

// Turns response into a Match collection
$matchCollection = $response->getCollection('Match');

// Loops through all the found matches and dispays the start time.
foreach ($matchCollection as $match) {
    echo $match->getStartTime()->format('d-m-Y H:i:s') . PHP_EOL;

// Returns a Response object that contains the raw body and JSON data.
$response = $client->getMatchDetails(new Filters\MatchDetails(2197925777));

// Turns response into a DetailedMatch collection
$match = $response->getEntity('DetailedMatch');

// Get Dire players
$direPlayers = $match->getPlayers()->getDire();

// Get a specific player
$specificPlayer = $match->getPlayers()->getById(22785577);
$specificPlayerHero = $specificPlayer->getHeroId();
$specificPlayerKills = $specificPlayer->getKills();

// Get Picks and Bans sequence if matchtype has picks and bans
$pickBanSequence = $match->getPicksBans();

$response = $client->getLeagueListing();

$response = $client->getLiveLeagueGames();

$response = $client->getScheduledLeagueGames();

// Puppey (87278757) in The Shanghai Major (4266)
$response = $client->getFantasyPlayerStats(new Filters\FantasyPlayerStats(4266, 87278757));

// Puppey (87278757)
$response = $client->getPlayerOfficialInfo(new Filters\AccountId(87278757));

// Requires the 64-bit Steam ID of a broadcaster.
$response = $client->getBroadcasterInfo(new Filters\BroadcasterInfo(76561197997412731));

$response = $client->getActiveTournamentList();

// Get team info for Team Secret (1838315). Filter is optional.
$response = $client->getTeamInfo(new Filters\TeamInfo(1838315));

$response = $client->getTopLiveGame(new Filters\TopLiveGame(0));

// Get stats for account 22785577 at The Shanghai Major (4266)
$response = $client->getEventStatsForAccount(new Filters\EventStats(4266, 22785577));

$response = $client->getRealTimeStats(new Filters\RealTimeStats(steam_server_id_here));

$response = $client->getGameItems();

$response = $client->getItemIconPath(new Filters\ItemIconPath('enchanted_manglewood_staff', IconType::LARGE));

$response = $client->getSchemaUrl();

$response = $client->getHeroes();

$response = $client->getRarities();

$response = $client->getTournamentPrizePool();

$response = $client->get('IEconDOTA2_570/GetGameItems/v1', array|Filters\Filter $parameters);

$steamId = UserId::to64Bit('22785577'); // 76561197983051305

$accountId = UserId::to32Bit('76561197983051305'); // 22785577