PHP code example of shamanhead / phpporser

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download shamanhead/phpporser library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


shamanhead / phpporser example snippets

use HeadlessChromium\Page;

use ShamanHead\PhpPorser\App\Dom as Dom;

$dom = new Dom();

hamanHead\PhpPorser\App\Dom as Dom;

$dom = new Dom();


hamanHead\PhpPorser\App\Dom as Dom;

$dom = new Dom();
$dom->setHref('href to file');

print_r($dom->tag('h1')->array()); //finds by tag name 'h1'
print_r($dom->id('firstHeading')->array()); //finds by id name 'firstHeading'
print_r($dom->class('wrapper__main')->array()); //finds by class name 'wrapper_main'
print_r($dom->custom(['name', 'button'])->array()); //finds by 'name' attribute value 'button'

hamanHead\PhpPorser\App\Dom as Dom;

$dom = new Dom();
$dom->setHref('href to file');


hamanHead\PhpPorser\App\Dom as Dom;

$dom = new Dom();
$dom->setHref('href to file');

$divText = $dom->tag('div')->id('someDiv')->text();

$divText->contents(); //Returns all text in array form.

$divText->merge('symbol'); //Returns all text in string form with 'symbol' separator
                          //'\n' by default.

$divText->first(); //Returns first founded text.

$divText->last(); //Returns last founded text.