PHP code example of shaggyrec / sumsubphp

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download shaggyrec/sumsubphp library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


shaggyrec / sumsubphp example snippets

use Shaggyrec\SumSubClient\SumSubClient;

$sumSub = SumSubClient::getInstance('App Token', 'APP Secret');

$sumSub->getAccessToken('userId', 'levelName');

$sumSub->getAccessToken('userId', 'levelName');

    new FixedInfo(
            firstName => 'firstName', 
            lastName => '',
            middleName => '',
            firstNameEn => '',
            lastNameEn => '',
            middleNameEn => '',
            legalName => '',
            gender => 'M',
            dob => '',
            placeOfBirth => '',
            country => '',
            nationality => '',
            addresses => [],

$sumSub->changeLevel('applicantId', 'levelName');

use Shaggyrec\Sumsubphp\DTO\FileMetadata;

    new FileMetadata(
            'idDocType' => 'PASSPORT', 
            'country' => 'USA',
            'firstName' => '',
            'middleName' => '',
            'lastName' => '',
            'issuedDate' => '2015-01-02',
            'number' => '40111234567',
            'dob' => '2000-02-01',
            'placeOfBirth' => 'London'
    $content, // A binary photo of a document



use Shaggyrec\Sumsubphp\DTO\FixedInfo;

    new FixedInfo(
            firstName => 'firstName', 
            lastName => '',
            middleName => '',
            firstNameEn => '',
            lastNameEn => '',
            middleNameEn => '',
            legalName => '',
            gender => 'M',
            dob => '',
            placeOfBirth => '',
            country => '',
            nationality => '',
            addresses => [],



    'reason', // optional

    'inspectionId', // Inspection ID (it's a part of an applicant

$sumSub->addToBlacklist('applicantId', 'note')

$sumSub->resetSingleVerificationStep('applicantId', 'step');

    'riskLevel', // unknown|low|medium|high
    '$comment', // Any string
$sumSub->markImageDeleted('inspectionId', 'imageId');
$sumSub->addTags('applicantId', ['tag1', 'tagg2]);

use Shaggyrec\SumSubClient\WebhookHandler;

// to verify sender
WebhookHandler::verifySender('x-payload-digest header', $webhookBody, 'secret key')

// to get WebhookResponse object
$webhookResponse = WebhookHandler::handle($webhookBody);

use Shaggyrec\SumSubClient\WebhookHandler;


/** @var Psr\Http\Message\RequestInterface $webhookBody */
$webhookResponse = WebhookHandler::handleWithVerification($webhookBody, 'SECRET KEY');