PHP code example of sevenecks / ansi

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download sevenecks/ansi library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


sevenecks / ansi example snippets

use SevenEcks\Ansi\Colorize;

$test_string = 'This is a test';

echo Colorize::italic($test_string) . "\n";
echo Colorize::cyan($test_string) . "\n";
echo Colorize::bgRed($test_string) . "\n";
// background color first
echo Colorize::cyan(Colorize::bgRed($test_string)) . "\n";
// manually call the colorize string function
echo Colorize::colorizeString("TEST STRING", Colorize::$FOREGROUND_BLUE);

use SevenEcks\Ansi\Colorize;

$test_string = 'This is a test';

$colorize = new Colorize;

echo $color->red('tester');
echo $color->darkGray('testy mctesterson');

//foreground colors
public static $FOREGROUND_BLACK = '0;30';
public static $FOREGROUND_DARK_GRAY = '1;30';
public static $FOREGROUND_BLUE = '0;34';
public static $FOREGROUND_LIGHT_BLUE = '1;34';
public static $FOREGROUND_GREEN = '0;32';
public static $FOREGROUND_LIGHT_GREEN = '1;32';
public static $FOREGROUND_CYAN = '0;36';
public static $FOREGROUND_LIGHT_CYAN = '1;36';
public static $FOREGROUND_RED = '0;31';
public static $FOREGROUND_LIGHT_RED = '1;31';
public static $FOREGROUND_PURPLE = '0;35';
public static $FOREGROUND_LIGHT_PURPLE = '1;35';
public static $FOREGROUND_BROWN = '0;33';
public static $FOREGROUND_YELLOW = '1;33';
public static $FOREGROUND_LIGHT_GRAY = '0;37';
public static $FOREGROUND_WHITE = '1;37';
public static $FOREGROUND_BOLD = '1';
public static $FOREGROUND_UNDERLINE = '4';
public static $FOREGROUND_ITALIC = '3'; 
public static $FOREGROUND_INVERT = '7';
public static $FOREGROUND_STRIKEOUT = '9';

// background colors 
public static $BACKGROUND_BLACK = '40';
public static $BACKGROUND_RED = '41';
public static $BACKGROUND_GREEN = '42';
public static $BACKGROUND_YELLOW = '43';
public static $BACKGROUND_BLUE = '44';
public static $BACKGROUND_MAGENTA = '45';
public static $BACKGROUND_CYAN = '46';
public static $BACKGROUND_LIGHT_GRAY = '47'; 

 * Dynamically call the static methods from instance variables
 * and provide the correct arguments as needed
 * @param string $name
 * @param array $arguments
 * @return string
public function __call($name, $arguments)

* Colorize a string of text and return it
* @param string $text
* @param string $color
* @return string
public static function colorizeString($text, $color) 

 * strikethrough some text 
 * @param string $text
 * @return string
public static function strikeout($text)

 * invert the foreground of a string
 * @param string $text
 * @return string
public static function invert($text)

 * bold the foreground of a string
 * @param string $text
 * @return string
public static function bold($text)

 * Italic the foreground of a string
 * @param string $text
 * @return string
public static function italic($text)

 * Underline the foreground of a string
 * @param string $text
 * @return string
public static function underline($text)

* Colorize the foreground of a string
* @param string $text
* @return string
public static function black($text)
public static function darkGray($text)
public static function blue($text)
public static function lightBlue($text)
public static function green($text)
public static function lightGreen($text)
public static function cyan($text)
public static function lightCyan($text)
public static function red($text)
public static function lightRed($text)
public static function purple($text)
public static function lightPurple($text)
public static function brown($text)
public static function yellow($text)
public static function lightGray($text)
public static function white($text)

 * Colorize the background of a string
 * @param string $text
 * @return string
public static function bgBlack($text)
public static function bgRed($text)
public static function bgGreen($text)
public static function bgYellow($text)
public static function bgBlue($text)
public static function bgMagenta($text)
public static function bgCyan($text)
public static function bgLightGray($text)

## ColorInterface

You can use the ColorInterface.php file to implement your own ANSI Colorization class. The interface