PHP code example of setitch / yii2-datatables

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download setitch/yii2-datatables library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


setitch / yii2-datatables example snippets

<?= \nullref\datatable\DataTable::widget([
    'data' => $dataProvider->getModels(),
    'columns' => [

<?= \nullref\datatable\DataTable::widget([
    'data' => $dataProvider->getModels(),
    'scrollY' => '200px',
    'scrollCollapse' => true,
    'paging' => false,
    'columns' => [

    <?= \nullref\datatable\DataTable::widget([
        'columns' => [
            //other columns
                'class' => 'nullref\datatable\LinkColumn',
                'url' => ['/model/delete'],
                'options' => ['data-confirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this item?', 'data-method' => 'post'],
                'queryParams' => ['id'],
                'label' => 'Delete',

'assetManager' => [
    'bundles' => [
        'nullref\datatable\DataTableAsset' => [
            'styling' => \nullref\datatable\DataTableAsset::STYLING_BOOTSTRAP,

'nullref\datatable\DataTableAsset' => [
    'sourcePath' => '@webroot/js/plugin/datatables/',
    'js' => [
    'css' => [
    'styling' => false,

 class SomeController extends Controller
     public function actions()
         return [
             'datatables' => [
                 'class' => 'nullref\datatable\DataTableAction',
                 'query' => Model::find(),

public function actions()
    return [
         'datatables' => [
             'class' => 'nullref\datatable\DataTableAction',
             'query' => Model::find(),
             'applyOrder' => function($query, $columns, $order) {
                //custom ordering logic
                return $query;
             'applyFilter' => function($query, $columns, $search) {
                //custom search logic
                return $query;

    <?= \nullref\datatable\DataTable::widget([
        /** ... */
        'serverSide' => true,
        'ajax' => '/site/datatables',