PHP code example of sergyjar / laravel-query-builder

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download sergyjar/laravel-query-builder library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


sergyjar / laravel-query-builder example snippets

namespace App\Path\For\File;

use App\Models\ModelName;
use Sergyjar\QueryBuilder\AbstractQueryBuilder;

class ModelNameQueryBuilder extends AbstractQueryBuilder
    protected array $filterableFields = [
    protected array $sortMap = [

    protected function getModelClass(): string
        return ModelName::class;

protected array $filterableFields = [

protected array $filterableFields = [

protected array $filterableFields = [

public function status($value): void
    if ($value == 'pending') {

    protected array $sortMap = [

    protected array $sortMap = [
        'status' => 'status_id'

$query = new ModelQueryBuilder($params);

$result = $query

$query = new ModelQueryBuilder($params);
$collection = $service->getModels($query);

use Sergyjar\QueryBuilder\Contracts\QueryBuilderInterface;

public function getModels(QueryBuilderInterface $queryBuilder): Collection
    return = $queryBuilder

'sort_key' => 'sort',
'order_key' => 'order',

'sort_default' => 'id',
'order_default' => 'asc',

namespace App\Path\For\File;

use App\Models\Model;
use Sergyjar\QueryBuilder\AbstractQueryBuilder;
use Sergyjar\QueryBuilder\Enums\SortDirection

class ModelQueryBuilder extends AbstractQueryBuilder
	protected string $sortKey = 'customSortKey';
	protected string $orderKey = 'customOrderKey';
	protected string $sortDefault = 'custom_sort_model_field';
	protected string $orderDefault = SortDirection::DESC;

'page' => 'page',
'per_page' => 'perPage',

'page_default' => 1,
'per_page_default' => 20,

namespace App\Path\For\File;

use App\Models\Model;
use Sergyjar\QueryBuilder\AbstractQueryBuilder;

class ModelQueryBuilder extends AbstractQueryBuilder
	protected string $pageKey = 'customPageKey';
	protected string $perPageKey = 'customPerPageKey';
	protected int $pageDefault = 2;
	protected int $perPageDefault = 3;



$pagination = $query->getPagination();

    'page' => 20,
    'perPage' => 1,
    'total' => 12,
    'totalPages' => 15,
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Sergyjar\QueryBuilder\Providers\QueryBuilderServiceProvider"

php artisan query-builder:make ModelName