PHP code example of sensiolabs / consul-php-sdk

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download sensiolabs/consul-php-sdk library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


sensiolabs / consul-php-sdk example snippets

$kv = new Consul\Services\KV();

$kv->put('test/foo/bar', 'bazinga');
$kv->get('test/foo/bar', ['raw' => true]);

$response = $service->method($mandatoryArgument, $someOptions);

$session = new Consul\Services\Session();

$sessionId = $session->create()->json()['ID'];

// Lock a key / value with the current session
$lockAcquired = $kv->put('tests/session/a-lock', 'a value', ['acquire' => $sessionId])->json();

if (false === $lockAcquired) {

    echo "The lock is already acquire by another node.\n";

echo "Do you jobs here....";
echo "End\n";


$resources = ['resource1', 'resource2'];

$multiLockHandler = new MultiLockHandler($resources, 60, new Session(), new KV(), 'my/lock/');

if ($multiLockHandler->lock()) {
    try {
        echo "Do you jobs here....";
    } finally {

$resources = [
    new Resource('resource1', 2, 7),
    new Resource('resource2', 3, 6),
    new Resource('resource3', 1, 1),

$semaphore = new MultiSemaphore($resources, 60, new Session(), new KV(), 'my/semaphore');

if ($semaphore->acquire()) {
    try {
        echo "Do you jobs here....";
    } finally {