PHP code example of seffeng / laravel-signature
1. Go to this page and download the library: Download seffeng/laravel-signature library . Choose the download type require .
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards */
seffeng / laravel-signature example snippets
# 1、生成配置文件
$ php artisan vendor:publish --tag="signature"
# 2、修改配置文件 /config/signature.php,或 .env
# 1、复制扩展内配置文件 /config/signature.php 到项目配置目录 /config
# 2、修改配置文件 /config/signature.php,或 .env
# 3、将以下代码段添加到 /bootstrap/app.php 文件中的 Providers 部分
# 4、/bootstrap/app.php 添加配置加载代码
# 客户端示例
use Seffeng\Signature\Exceptions\SignatureException;
use Seffeng\LaravelSignature\Facades\Signature;
class SiteController extends Controller
public function test()
try {
* 客户端使用签名
* @var string $method
$method = 'GET';
$uri = '/test';
$params = ['page' => 1];
$signature = Signature::sign($method, $uri, $params);
$headers = Signature::getHeaders();
// 其他客户端
//$signature = Signature::setClient('other-client')->loadClient()->sign($method, $uri, $params);
//$headers = Signature::getHeaders();
// 通过请求传递 $headers,如使用 GuzzleHttp
// $httpClient = new Client(['base_uri' => '']);
// $request = $httpClient->get('/test', ['headers' => $headers, 'query' => $params]);
} catch (SignatureException $e) {
} catch (\Exception $e) {
# 路由使用中间件,配置中间件
# 1、默认服务端:middleware('check.signature')
# 2、其他服务端:middleware('check.signature:other-server')
# 服务端示例,可通过中间件使用,或参考 /tests/SignatureTest.php
use Closure;
use Seffeng\Signature\Exceptions\SignatureException;
use Seffeng\Signature\Exceptions\SignatureAccessException;
use Seffeng\Signature\Exceptions\SignatureTimeoutException;
use Seffeng\LaravelSignature\Facades\Signature as SignatureFacade;
use Seffeng\LaravelSignature\Middleware\Signature as Middleware;
class Signature extends Middleware
* {@inheritDoc}
* @see \Seffeng\LaravelSignature\Middleware\Signature::handle()
public function handle($request, Closure $next, string $server = null)
try {
!is_null($server) && SignatureFacade::setServer($server)->loadServer();
// $accessKeyId 用于查询应用信息,获取 secret 和 IP 等
$accessKeyId = $request->header(SignatureFacade::getHeaderAccessKeyId());
if (true) { // 通过数据库查询secret,自行创建数据表
$application = Application::where('access_key_id', $accessKeyId)->first();
if (!$application) {
throw new SignatureException('应用不存在!');
$accessKeySecret = $application->access_key_secret;
} else { // 通过配置,自行添加配置字段
if ($accessKeyId !== config('signature.servers.default.accessKeyId', '')) {
throw new SignatureException('应用不存在!');
$accessKeySecret = config('signature.servers.default.accessKeySecret', '');
$this->setAllowIp([]); // 可配置或通过数据库查询ip,自行创建数据表
//$this->setDenyIp([]); // 可配置或通过数据库查询ip,自行创建数据表
* 若某些参数不是通过前端传过来的则需要过滤
* 如:在此签名验证中间件前执行了以下方法设置的参数
* $request->offsetSet('extra1', '额外参数1');
* $request->merge(['extra2' => '额外参数2']);
$params = $request->all();
if (isset($params['extra1'])) {
if (parent::handle($request, $next)) {
return $next($request);
throw new SignatureException('签名错误!');
} catch (\Error $e) {
throw $e;
} catch (SignatureTimeoutException $e) {
throw $e;
} catch (SignatureAccessException $e) {
throw $e;
} catch (SignatureException $e) {
throw $e;
} catch (\Exception $e) {
throw $e;