PHP code example of sebastianwalker / statement

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download sebastianwalker/statement library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


sebastianwalker / statement example snippets

// Transaction ($amount, $description, $payer, $iban, $date)
$transaction = new \SebastianWalker\Statement\Transaction(12.34, "Desc", "John Doe", "DE...00", new \Carbon\Carbon("2018-02-12"));

$transaction->getAmount(); // float

$transaction->getDescription(); // string

$transaction->getPayer(); // string

$transaction->getIban(); // string | null

$transaction->getDate(); // Carbon instance:

// FromCsv($filename, $delimiter, $known_mapping, $known_offset)
$importer = new \SebastianWalker\Statement\Importers\FromCsv("file.csv");

// Get the imported transactions
$transactions = $importer->getTransactions();

// Get the mapping used (guessed + known_mapping)
$mapping = $importer->getMapping();
  "date"=>"Valuta Date"

// Get the column titles usable for mapping as an array
$columns = $importer->getColumns();

// FromArray($transactions)
$importer = new \SebastianWalker\Statement\Importers\FromArray([/*Array of Transactions*/]);

// Get the imported transactions
$transactions = $importer->getTransactions();

$matcher = new \SebastianWalker\Statement\Matchers\PrefixMatcher("PFIX-");

// Get all matching entities that are referenced in a given transaction
$matches = $matcher->getEntities($transaction);

// Pass basic strings
$matcher = new \SebastianWalker\Statement\Matchers\ListMatcher(["1234","5678","9012"]);

// OR set a property which will be matched
$matcher = new \SebastianWalker\Statement\Matchers\ListMatcher([
], "id");

// Get all matching entities that are referenced in a given transaction
$matches = $matcher->getEntities($transaction);