PHP code example of sdekkers / exact-php-client

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download sdekkers/exact-php-client library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


sdekkers / exact-php-client example snippets

$connection = new \Picqer\Financials\Exact\Connection();
$connection->setRedirectUrl('CALLBACK_URL'); // Same as entered online in the App Center

$connection = new \Picqer\Financials\Exact\Connection();

if (getValue('authorizationcode')) // Retrieves authorizationcode from database

if (getValue('accesstoken')) // Retrieves accesstoken from database

if (getValue('refreshtoken')) // Retrieves refreshtoken from database

if (getValue('expires_in'))  // Retrieves expires timestamp from database

// Make the client connect and exchange tokens
try {
} catch (\Exception $e)
	throw new Exception('Could not connect to Exact: ' . $e->getMessage());

// Save the new tokens for next connections
setValue('accesstoken', serialize($connection->getAccessToken()));
setValue('refreshtoken', $connection->getRefreshToken());

// Optionally, save the expiry-timestamp. This prevents exchanging valid tokens (ie. saves you some requests)
setValue('expires_in', $connection->getTokenExpires());

// Optionally, set the lock and unlock callbacks to prevent multiple request for acquiring a new refresh token with the same refresh token.

$connection->getDailyLimit(); // Retrieve your daily limit
$connection->getDailyLimitRemaining(); // Retrieve the remaining amount of API calls for this day
$connection->getDailyLimitReset(); // Retrieve the timestamp for when the limit will reset
$connection->getMinutelyLimit(); // Retrieve your limit per minute
$connection->getMinutelyLimitRemaining(); // Retrieve the amount of API calls remaining for this minute

// Optionally set administration, otherwise use the current administration of the user

// Create a new account
$account = new Account($connection);
$account->AddressLine1 = $customer['address'];
$account->AddressLine2 = $customer['address2'];
$account->City = $customer['city'];
$account->Code = $customer['customerid'];
$account->Country = $customer['country'];
$account->IsSales = 'true';
$account->Name = $customer['name'];
$account->Postcode = $customer['zipcode'];
$account->Status = 'C';

// Add a product in Exact
$item = new Item($connection);
$item->Code = $productcode;
$item->CostPriceStandard = $costprice;
$item->Description = $name;
$item->IsSalesItem = true;
$item->SalesVatCode = 'VH';

// Retrieve an item
$item = new Item($connection);

// List items
$item = new Item($connection);

// List items with filter (using a filter always returns a collection)
$item = new Item($connection);
$items = $item->filter("Code eq '$productcode'"); // Uses filters as described in Exact API docs (odata filters)

// Create new invoice with invoice lines
$invoiceLines[] = [
	'Item'      => $itemId,
	'Quantity'  => $orderproduct['amount'],
	'UnitPrice' => $orderproduct['price']

$salesInvoice = new SalesInvoice($connection);
$salesInvoice->InvoiceTo = $customer_code;
$salesInvoice->OrderedBy = $customer_code;
$salesInvoice->YourRef = $orderId;
$salesInvoice->SalesInvoiceLines = $invoiceLines;

// Print and email the invoice
$printedInvoice = new PrintedSalesInvoice($connection);
$printedInvoice->InvoiceID = $salesInvoice->InvoiceID;
$printedInvoice->SendEmailToCustomer = true;
$printedInvoice->SenderEmailAddress = "[email protected]";
$printedInvoice->DocumentLayout = "401f3020-35cd-49a2-843a-d904df0c09ff";
$printedInvoice->ExtraText = "Some additional text";

$connection = new \Picqer\Financials\Exact\Connection();

$test = new GeneralJournalEntry($connection);
var_dump($test->filter('', '', 'EntryID, FinancialYear'));

$test = new GeneralJournalEntry($connection);
var_dump($test->filter('', '', '', ['$top'=> 1]));
