PHP code example of scrumworks / property-reader

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download scrumworks/property-reader library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


scrumworks / property-reader example snippets

public $var;

 * @var mixed
public $var;

 * @var integer
public int $var;

 * @var int[]
public array $var;

 * @var SomeClass
public SomeClass $var;

 * @var int|string
public $var;

use ScrumWorks\PropertyReader\PropertyTypeReader;
use ScrumWorks\PropertyReader\VariableTypeWriter;
use ScrumWorks\PropertyReader\VariableTypeUnifyService;

class Example
    public $untyped;

    public int $integer;

     * @var ?string
    public $nullableString;

     * @var array<string, string[]>
    public array $hashmap;

    public VariableTypeWriter $class;

     * @var int|int[]|null
    public $union;

$reflection = new ReflectionClass(Example::class);

$variableTypeUnifyService = new VariableTypeUnifyService();
$propertyTypeReader = new PropertyTypeReader($variableTypeUnifyService);
$variableTypeWriter = new VariableTypeWriter();

foreach ($reflection->getProperties() as $propertyReflection) {
    $variableType = $propertyTypeReader->readUnifiedVariableType($propertyReflection);
        "%s: %s\n",

use ScrumWorks\PropertyReader\VariableType\ArrayVariableType;
use ScrumWorks\PropertyReader\VariableType\ScalarVariableType;

// load object...

/** @var ArrayVariableType $hashmapType */
$hashmapType = $propertyTypeReader->readUnifiedVariableType($reflection->getProperty('hashmap'));
assert($hashmapType->isNullable() === false);
assert($hashmapType->getKeyType() instanceof ScalarVariableType);
assert($hashmapType->getKeyType()->getType() === ScalarVariableType::TYPE_STRING);