PHP code example of scottybo / laravel-facebook-sdk

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download scottybo/laravel-facebook-sdk library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


scottybo / laravel-facebook-sdk example snippets

'providers' => [


'aliases' => [
    'Facebook' => Scottybo\LaravelFacebookSdk\FacebookFacade::class,

// Directly from the IoC
$fb = App::make('Scottybo\LaravelFacebookSdk\LaravelFacebookSdk');
// Or in PHP >= 5.5
$fb = app(Scottybo\LaravelFacebookSdk\LaravelFacebookSdk::class);

// From a constructor
class FooClass {
    public function __construct(Scottybo\LaravelFacebookSdk\LaravelFacebookSdk $fb) {
       // . . .

// From a method
class BarClass {
    public function barMethod(Scottybo\LaravelFacebookSdk\LaravelFacebookSdk $fb) {
       // . . .

// Or even a closure
Route::get('/facebook/login', function(Scottybo\LaravelFacebookSdk\LaravelFacebookSdk $fb) {
    // . . .

try {
  $response = $fb->get('/me?fields=id,name,email', 'user-access-token');
} catch(\Facebook\Exceptions\FacebookSDKException $e) {

$userNode = $response->getGraphUser();
printf('Hello, %s!', $userNode->getName());

Route::get('/facebook/login', function(Scottybo\LaravelFacebookSdk\LaravelFacebookSdk $fb) {
    $login_link = $fb
            ->getLoginUrl('', ['email', 'user_events']);
    echo '<a href="' . $login_link . '">Log in with Facebook</a>';

$login_link = $fb->getLoginUrl();

$login_link = $fb->getLoginUrl(['email', 'user_status'], '');
// Or, if you want to default to the callback URL set in the config
$login_link = $fb->getLoginUrl(['email', 'user_status']);

Route::get('/facebook/callback', function(Scottybo\LaravelFacebookSdk\LaravelFacebookSdk $fb) {
    try {
        $token = $fb
    } catch (Facebook\Exceptions\FacebookSDKException $e) {
        // Failed to obtain access token

Route::get('/facebook/callback', function(Scottybo\LaravelFacebookSdk\LaravelFacebookSdk $fb) {
    try {
        $token = $fb->getAccessTokenFromRedirect();
    } catch (Facebook\Exceptions\FacebookSDKException $e) {
        // Failed to obtain access token
    // $token will be null if the user denied the request
    if (! $token) {
        // User denied the request

Route::get('/facebook/javascript', function(Scottybo\LaravelFacebookSdk\LaravelFacebookSdk $fb) {
    try {
        $token = $fb->getJavaScriptHelper()->getAccessToken();
    } catch (Facebook\Exceptions\FacebookSDKException $e) {
        // Failed to obtain access token

    // $token will be null if no cookie was set or no OAuth data
    // was found in the cookie's signed request data
    if (! $token) {
        // User hasn't logged in using the JS SDK yet

Route::match(['get', 'post'], '/facebook/canvas', function(Scottybo\LaravelFacebookSdk\LaravelFacebookSdk $fb) {
    try {
        $token = $fb->getCanvasHelper()->getAccessToken();
    } catch (Facebook\Exceptions\FacebookSDKException $e) {
        // Failed to obtain access token

    // $token will be null if the user hasn't authenticated your app yet
    if (! $token) {
        // . . .

Route::match(['get', 'post'], '/facebook/page-tab', function(Scottybo\LaravelFacebookSdk\LaravelFacebookSdk $fb) {
    try {
        $token = $fb->getPageTabHelper()->getAccessToken();
    } catch (Facebook\Exceptions\FacebookSDKException $e) {
        // Failed to obtain access token

    // $token will be null if the user hasn't authenticated your app yet
    if (! $token) {
        // . . .

$rerequest_link = $fb->getReRequestUrl(['email'], '');
// Or, if you want to default to the callback URL set in the config
$rerequest_link = $fb->getReRequestUrl(['email']);

$re_authentication_link = $fb->getReAuthenticationUrl(['email'], '');
// Or, if you want to default to the callback URL set in the config
$re_authentication_link = $fb->getReAuthenticationUrl(['email']);
// Or without permissions
$re_authentication_link = $fb->getReAuthenticationUrl();

Session::put('facebook_access_token', (string) $token);

$token = Session::get('facebook_access_token');

use Scottybo\LaravelFacebookSdk\SyncableGraphNodeTrait;

class Event extends Eloquent {
    use SyncableGraphNodeTrait;

$response = $fb->get('/some-event-id?fields=id,name');
$eventNode = $response->getGraphEvent();

// A method called createOrUpdateGraphNode() on the `Event` eloquent model
// will create the event if it does not exist or it will update the existing
// record based on the ID from Facebook.
$event = Event::createOrUpdateGraphNode($eventNode);

use Scottybo\LaravelFacebookSdk\SyncableGraphNodeTrait;

class User extends Eloquent implements UserInterface
    use SyncableGraphNodeTrait;
    protected static $graph_node_field_aliases = [
        'id' => 'facebook_user_id',
        'name' => 'full_name',
        'graph_node_field_name' => 'database_column_name',

use Scottybo\LaravelFacebookSdk\SyncableGraphNodeTrait;

class Event extends Eloquent
    use SyncableGraphNodeTrait;
    protected static $graph_node_fillable_fields = ['id', 'name', 'start_time'];

Schema::create('events', function(Blueprint $table)

use Scottybo\LaravelFacebookSdk\SyncableGraphNodeTrait;

class Event extends Eloquent
    use SyncableGraphNodeTrait;
    protected static $graph_node_field_aliases = [
        'id' => 'facebook_id',
        '' => 'city',
        'place.location.state' => 'state',
        '' => 'country',

use Scottybo\LaravelFacebookSdk\SyncableGraphNodeTrait;

class Event extends Eloquent
    use SyncableGraphNodeTrait;
    protected static $graph_node_date_time_to_string_format = 'c'; # ISO 8601 date

use Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint;
use Illuminate\Database\Migrations\Migration;

class AddFacebookColumnsToUsersTable extends Migration
    public function up()
        Schema::table('users', function(Blueprint $table)
            // If the primary id in your you user table is different than the Facebook id
            // Make sure it's an unsigned() bigInteger()
            // Normally you won't need to store the access token in the database

    public function down()
        Schema::table('users', function(Blueprint $table)

# User.php
use Scottybo\LaravelFacebookSdk\SyncableGraphNodeTrait;

class User extends Eloquent implements UserInterface {
    use SyncableGraphNodeTrait;

    protected $hidden = ['access_token'];

class FacebookController {
    public function getUserInfo(Scottybo\LaravelFacebookSdk\LaravelFacebookSdk $fb) {
       try {
           $response = $fb->get('/me?fields=id,name,email');
       } catch (Facebook\Exceptions\FacebookSDKException $e) {
       // Convert the response to a `Facebook/GraphNodes/GraphUser` collection
       $facebook_user = $response->getGraphUser();
       // Create the user if it does not exist or update the existing entry.
       // This will only work if you've added the SyncableGraphNodeTrait to your User model.
       $user = App\User::createOrUpdateGraphNode($facebook_user);
       // Log the user into Laravel

Route::get('/example', function(Scottybo\LaravelFacebookSdk\LaravelFacebookSdk $fb) {
    // All the possible configuration options are available here
    $fb2 = $fb->newInstance([
      'app_id' => env('FACEBOOK_APP_ID2'),
      'app_secret' => env('FACEBOOK_APP_SECRET2'),
      'default_graph_version' => 'v2.10',
      // . . .

try {
    // Stuffs here
} catch (Facebook\Exceptions\FacebookResponseException $e) {
    $graphError = $e->getPrevious();
    echo 'Graph API Error: ' . $e->getMessage();
    echo ', Graph error code: ' . $graphError->getCode();
} catch (Facebook\Exceptions\FacebookSDKException $e) {
    echo 'SDK Error: ' . $e->getMessage();

namespace App\Http\Middleware;

use Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\VerifyCsrfToken as BaseVerifier;

class VerifyCsrfToken extends BaseVerifier
     * The URIs that should be excluded from CSRF verification.
     * @var array
    protected $except = [
        // ... insert all your canvas endpoints here

 namespace App\Http\Middleware;

use Closure;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\VerifyCsrfToken as BaseVerifier;
use Illuminate\Session\TokenMismatchException;

class VerifyCsrfToken extends BaseVerifier
     * Handle an incoming request.
     * @param  \Illuminate\Http\Request  $request
     * @param  \Closure  $next
     * @return mixed
     * @throws TokenMismatchException
    public function handle($request, Closure $next)
        if ($this->isReading($request) || $this->excludedRoutes($request) || $this->tokensMatch($request)) {
            return $this->addCookieToResponse($request, $next($request));

        throw new TokenMismatchException;

     * Ignore CSRF on these routes.
     * @param  \Illuminate\Http\Request  $request
     * @return bool
    private function excludedRoutes($request)
        $routes = [
          // ... insert all your canvas endpoints here

        foreach($routes as $route){
            if ($request->is($route)) {
                return true;

        return false;
$ php artisan migrate