PHP code example of sclaravel / menus
1. Go to this page and download the library: Download sclaravel/menus library . Choose the download type require .
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards */
sclaravel / menus example snippets
Menu::create('navbar', function($menu) {
// define your menu items here
Menu::create('navbar', function($menu) {
// URL , Title, Attributes
$menu->url('home', 'Home', ['target' => 'blank']);
Menu::create('navbar', function($menu) {
'', // route name
'View Profile', // title
['id' => 1], // route parameters
['target' => 'blank'] // attributes
Menu::create('navbar', function($menu) {
'url' => 'about',
'title' => 'About',
'attributes' => [
'target' => '_blank'
'route' => ['profile', ['user' => 'gravitano']],
'title' => 'Visit My Profile',
'attributes' => [
'target' => '_blank'
Menu::create('menu1', function($menu) {
$menu->route('home', 'Home');
$menu->url('profile', 'Profile');
Menu::create('menu2', function($menu) {
$menu->route('home', 'Home');
$menu->url('profile', 'Profile');
Menu::create('navbar', function($menu) {
Menu::render('navbar', 'navbar-right');
Menu::render('navbar', 'TysonLaravel\Menus\Presenters\Bootstrap\NavPillsPresenter');
use TysonLaravel\Menus\Presenters\Presenter;
class ZurbTopBarPresenter extends Presenter {
* {@inheritdoc }
public function getOpenTagWrapper()
return PHP_EOL . '<section class="top-bar-section">' . PHP_EOL;
* {@inheritdoc }
public function getCloseTagWrapper()
return PHP_EOL . '</section>' . PHP_EOL;
* {@inheritdoc }
public function getMenuWithoutDropdownWrapper($item)
return '<li'.$this->getActiveState($item).'><a href="'. $item->getUrl() .'">'.$item->getIcon().' '.$item->title.'</a></li>';
* {@inheritdoc }
public function getActiveState($item)
return \Request::is($item->getRequest()) ? ' class="active"' : null;
* {@inheritdoc }
public function getDividerWrapper()
return '<li class="divider"></li>';
* {@inheritdoc }
public function getMenuWithDropDownWrapper($item)
return '<li class="has-dropdown">
<a href="#">
'.$item->getIcon().' '.$item->title.'
<ul class="dropdown">
</li>' . PHP_EOL;
Menu::create('zurb-top-bar', function($menu) {
return array(
'navbar' => 'TysonLaravel\Menus\Presenters\Bootstrap\NavbarPresenter',
'navbar-right' => 'TysonLaravel\Menus\Presenters\Bootstrap\NavbarRightPresenter',
'nav-pills' => 'TysonLaravel\Menus\Presenters\Bootstrap\NavPillsPresenter',
'nav-tab' => 'TysonLaravel\Menus\Presenters\Bootstrap\NavTabPresenter',
'zurb-top-bar' => 'ZurbTopBarPresenter',
Menu::create('zurb-top-bar', function($menu) {
$menu = Menu::instance('zurb-top-bar');
// You can also make additions to the menu again
$menu->add(['title' => 'Settings', 'route' => 'settings']);
$menu->url('profile', 'Profile');
$menu->route('settings', 'Settings');
php artisan vendor:publish
Menu::make('navbar', function($menu) {
// define your menu items here
Menu::create('navbar', function($menu) {
$menu->url('/', 'Home');
$menu->dropdown('Settings', function ($sub) {
$sub->url('settings/account', 'Account');
$sub->url('settings/password', 'Password');
$sub->url('settings/design', 'Design');
Menu::create('navbar', function($menu)
$menu->url('/', 'Home');
$menu->dropdown('Account', function ($sub) {
$sub->url('profile', 'Visit My Profile');
$sub->dropdown('Settings', function ($sub) {
$sub->url('settings/account', 'Account');
$sub->url('settings/password', 'Password');
$sub->url('settings/design', 'Design');
$sub->url('logout', 'Logout');
Menu::create('navbar', function($menu) {
$menu->url('/', 'Home')
$menu->dropdown('Settings', function ($sub) {
$sub->url('/settings/design', 'Design');
$sub->url('logout', 'Logout');
Menu::create('navbar', function($menu) {
// url, title, order, attributes
$menu->url('/', 'Home', 1);
// url, title, route parameters, order, attributes
$menu->route('/', 'About', ['user' => '1'], 2);
// title, order, callback attributes
$menu->dropdown('Settings', function ($sub) {
$sub->url('/settings/design', 'Design');
$sub->url('logout', 'Logout');
}, 3);
Menu::create('navbar', function($menu) {
$menu->url('/', 'Home', ['icon' => 'fa fa-dashboard'])->order(1);
$menu->route('/', 'About', ['user' => '1'], ['icon' => 'fa fa-user'])->order(2);
$menu->dropdown('Settings', function ($sub) {
$sub->url('/settings/design', 'Design');
$sub->url('logout', 'Logout');
// File: config/menus.php
return [
'ordering' => true
Menu::create('navbar', function($menu) {
// disable menu ordering
// disable menu ordering
Menu::create('navbar', function($menu) {
$menu = Menu::instance('sidebar');
$menu->url('profile', 'Profile');
$menu->whereTitle('Profile', function ($sub) {
$sub->url('foo', 'Foo');
// add childs menu
Menu::modify('navbar', function($menu) {
'title' => 'Foo',
'url' => 'bar',
Menu::create('navbar', function($menu) {
$menu->dropdown('Settings', function ($sub) {
$sub->url('user-management', 'User management')->subActive(['edit-user', 'create-user']);