PHP code example of schnittstabil / get

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download schnittstabil/get library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


schnittstabil / get example snippets

use Schnittstabil\Get;

echo 'Hello '.Get\value('name', $_REQUEST, 'John Doe');
echo 'Hello '.Get\valueOrFail('PHP_AUTH_USER', $_SERVER, 'User is not authenticated.');

echo 'user:     '.Get\env('DB_USER', 'root');
echo 'password: '.Get\envOrFail('DB_PASS', 'DB_PASS is not set');

 * Return array values and object properties.
 * @param string|int|mixed[] $path    the path
 * @param object|array|null  $target  the target
 * @param mixed              $default default value if $path is not valid
 * @return mixed the value determined by `$path` or otherwise `$default`
 * @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.StaticAccess)
function value($path, $target, $default = null)

use Schnittstabil\Get;

$array = ['zero', 'one', 'two'];
$array['foo'] = new \stdClass();
$array['foo']->bar = true;
$array['un.usual'] = true;

Get\value(1,              $array);  //=> 'one'
Get\value('1',            $array);  //=> 'one'
Get\value('',      $array);  //=> true
Get\value(['foo', 'bar'], $array);  //=> true
Get\value(['un.usual'],   $array);  //=> true

// $default
Get\value('un.usual', $array);      //=> null
Get\value(3,          $array);      //=> null
Get\value(3,          $array, 42);  //=> 42

 * Return array values and object properties.
 * @param string|int|mixed[] $path    the path
 * @param object|array|null  $target  the target
 * @param mixed              $message exception message
 * @throws \OutOfBoundsException if the `$path` does not determine a member of `$target`
 * @return mixed the value determined by `$path`
 * @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.StaticAccess)
function valueOrFail($path, $target, $message = null)

use Schnittstabil\Get;

Get\valueOrFail(3, $array);
//=> throws an OutOfBoundsException

Get\valueOrFail(3, $array, 'Error Message');
//=> throws a new OutOfBoundsException('Error Message')

 * Converts a string value to a PHP typed value.
 * @param mixed  $value
 * @return mixed
function typed($value)

use Schnittstabil\Get;

//=> int(42)

//=> bool(true)

//=> bool(false)

/* escaping */
//=> string("true")

 * Gets the value of an environment variable.
 * @param string $varname   the variable name
 * @param mixed  $default   default value if `$varname` is not valid
 * @param mixed  $typed     convert environment value to a PHP typed value
 * @param bool   $localOnly return only values of local environment variables
 * @return mixed the environment value determined by `$varname` or otherwise `$default`
function env($varname, $default = null, $typed = true, $localOnly = false)

 * Gets the value of an environment variable.
 * @param string $varname   the variable name
 * @param mixed  $message   exception message
 * @param mixed  $typed     convert environment value to a PHP typed value
 * @param bool   $localOnly return only values of local environment variables
 * @throws OutOfBoundsException if the `$varname` does not determine an environment value
 * @return mixed the environment value determined by `$varname`
function envOrFail($varname, $message = null, $typed = true, $localOnly = false)