PHP code example of sawastacks / kropify-laravel

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download sawastacks/kropify-laravel library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


sawastacks / kropify-laravel example snippets



 use SawaStacks\Utils\Kropify;

 // Image can be uploaded to public or storage path
 $path = 'uploads/'; //option 1
 $path = storage_path('app/public/uploads/'); //option 2
 $path = public_path('uploads/'); //option 3

//if you did not define name attribute on input file tag, the default name attribute value is "image". eg: $file = $request->file('image');
 $file = $request->file('avatar'); 

//Upload cropped image options
 $upload = Kropify::getFile($file)->save($path); //This will give us random image name "5678cKs374hxdu5438vhsk83.png"
 $upload = Kropify::getFile($file,'avatar')->save($path); //This will geive us image name "avatar.png"
 $upload = Kropify::getFile($file,'avatar.jpg')->save($path); //This will geive us image name "avatar.jpg"
 $upload = Kropify::getFile($file,'avatar.dng')->save($path); //When you make a mistake on extension. This will give us image name "avatar.dng.png"
 $upload = Kropify::getFile($file,'avatar.png')->maxWoH(712)->save($path); //This will resize cropped image width or height to `712`

 //Return json
 return response()->json(['status'=>"OK",'message'=>'Your profile picture has been.'], 201);

$path = 'uploads/';
$file = $request->file('avatar');
$upload = Kropify::getFile($file,'avatar.png')->maxWoH(710)->save($path);

//Get All details
$infos = Kropify::getInfo(); //option 1 
$infos = $upload->getInfo(); //option 2 

//According to the above options, you can get individual image info as follow:
$image_name = $infos->getName; // IMG_XH56.jpg
$image_size = $infos->getSize; // 13094
$image_width = $infos->getWidth; // 710
$image_height = $infos->getHeigth; // 710

//You can also get individual image name, size, width and height after image uploaded without first getting all info as follow:

$image_name = $upload->getName(); //option 1
$image_name = Kropify::getName(); //option 2

$image_size = $upload->getSize(); //option 1
$image_size = Kropify::getSize(); //option 2

$image_width = $upload->getWidth(); //option 1
$image_width = Kropify::getWidth(); //option 2

$image_height = $upload->getHeigth(); //option 1
$image_height = Kropify::getHeigth(); //option 2

 * According to the above guidance, use the following examples 
 * to save cropped image data into database.

 $user = new User();
 $user->profile = $image_name; //IMG_USER_982.jpg

 //Return json data
 return response()->json([
   'message'=>'Your profile picture has been successfully updated.',
     php artisan vendor:publish --tag=kropify-assets
 php artisan vendor:publish --tag=kropify-assets --force
 php artisan view:clear
composer dump-autoload