PHP code example of savannabits / countries

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download savannabits/countries library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


savannabits / countries example snippets

use PragmaRX\Countries\Package\Countries;

$countries = new Countries();

echo $countries->where('cca2', 'IT')->first()->hydrateCurrencies()->currencies->EUR->coins->frequent->first();

// or calling it statically

echo Countries::where('cca2', 'IT')->first()->hydrateCurrencies()->currencies->EUR->coins->frequent->first();

use PragmaRX\Countries\Package\Services\Config;

$countries = new Countries(new Config([
    'hydrate' => [
        'elements' => [
            'currencies' => true,
            'flag' => true,
            'timezones' => true,

use PragmaRX\Countries\Package\Countries;

$countries = new Countries();

$all = $countries->all();

return $countries->toJson();

$countries->where('name.common', 'Brazil');


$countries->where('name.native.por.common', 'Brasil');

$countries->where('tld.0', '.ch');

$countries->where('cca3', 'USA')->first()->hydrateStates()->states->pluck('name', 'postal')->toArray();

"MA" => "Massachusetts"
"MN" => "Minnesota"
"MT" => "Montana"
"ND" => "North Dakota"

$countries->where('cca3', 'FRA')

$countries->where('name.common', 'United Kingdom')

$countries->where('name.common', 'United States')->first()->hydrate('timezones')->timezones->first()->zone_name;

$countries->where('name.common', 'United States')->first()->hydrate('timezones')->timezones->first()->zone_name;

$countries->where('ISO639_3', 'por')->count();

'maps' => [
    'lca3' => 'ISO639_3'


$countries->where('lca3', 'por');

->map(function ($country) {
    $commonName = $country->name->common;

    $languages = $country->languages ?? collect();

    $language = $languages->keys()->first() ?? null;

    $nativeNames = $country->name->native ?? null;

    if (
        filled($language) &&
            filled($nativeNames) &&
            filled($nativeNames[$language]) ?? null
    ) {
        $native = $nativeNames[$language]['common'] ?? null;

    if (blank($native ?? null) && filled($nativeNames)) {
        $native = $nativeNames->first()['common'] ?? null;

    $native = $native ?? $commonName;

    if ($native !== $commonName && filled($native)) {
        $native = "$native ($commonName)";

    return [$country->cca2 => $native];


    "Åland Islands",



$countries->where('name.common', 'Brazil')->first()->hydrate('currencies')->currencies->BRL->units->major->symbol;

$countries->where('name.common', 'United States')
    ->pluck('name', 'postal');

    "AL": "Alabama",
    "AK": "Alaska",
    "AZ": "Arizona",
    "AR": "Arkansas",
    "CA": "California",

$countries->where('cca3', 'FRA')

$countries->where('name.common', 'United States')->first()->currencies;

    "alternativeSigns": [],
    "ISO4217Code": "USD",
    "ISO4217Number": "840",
    "sign": "$",
    "subunits": 100,
    "title": "U.S. dollar",


    0 => "AED"
    1 => "AFN"
    2 => "ALL"
    3 => "AMD"
    4 => "ANG"
    5 => "AOA"
    6 => "ARS"
    7 => "AUD"
    8 => "AWG"
    9 => "AZN"
    10 => "BAM"

return $countries->where('name.common', 'United States')->first()->timezone->NC;


$countries->where('name.common', 'Brazil')
  ->map(function ($timezone) {
      return $timezone->zone_name;

return $countries->where('name.common', 'United States Virgin Islands')->first()->hydrate('timezones_times')->timezones->first()->times;

"times" => [
    "abbreviation" => "LMT"
    "dst" => "0"
    "gmt_offset" => "-14764"
    "time_start" => "-1825098837"
    "zone_id" => "415"
    1 => [
        "abbreviation" => "AST"
        "dst" => "0"
        "gmt_offset" => "-14400"
        "time_start" => "-1825098836"
        "zone_id" => "415"

#items: array:22 [▼
  "name" => array:3 [▼
    "common" => "Brazil"
    "official" => "Federative Republic of Brazil"
    "native" => array:1 [▼
      "por" => array:2 [▼
        "official" => "República Federativa do Brasil"
        "common" => "Brasil"

"name" => array:3 [▼
  "common" => "Switzerland"
  "official" => "Swiss Confederation"
  "native" => array:4 [▶]
"tld" => array:1 [▼
  0 => ".ch"

$unitedStatesFlag =
    $this->countries->where('cca3', 'USA')

php artisan vendor:publish --provider=PragmaRX\\Countries\\ServiceProvider
cd vendor/pragmarx/countries
composer install
php update.php