PHP code example of samshal / acl

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download samshal/acl library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


samshal / acl example snippets

	use Samshal\Acl\{
		Role\DefaultRole as Role,
		Resource\DefaultResource as Resource,
		Permission\DefaultPermission as Permission

	$acl = new Acl();


	$adminRole = new Role("Admin");
	$accountantRole = new Role("Accountant", "This is optional: anybody who`s not an admin is an accountant");


	$patientFinancialHistoryResource = new Resource("patientFinancialHistory");


	$editPermission = new Permission("edit");
	$viewPermission = new Permission("view");

	$acl->add($editPermission, $viewPermission);








	$acl->addRole('Admin', 'Accountant');



	$acl->addPermission('edit', 'view', 'create', 'print', 'delete'); //you can add even more permissions!



	 * In the example below, admin is the name of a Role that's been added to the ACl using add() or addRole().
	 * Similarly view is a permission and patientFinancialHistory is a resource.
	 * Use the `can` keyword in between a role and a permission in a chain to set make the resource in question accessible or not to the role.

	$acl->accountant->cannot->delete('patientFinancialHistory'); //denying the role Accountant delete right on the PatienFinancialHistory resource.



	$booleanResultIndicatingPermission = $acl->can->admin->view('patientFinancialHistory');
	//We are asking a very simple question: can an Admin role View the patientFinancialHistory resource?

	//even better, we could use it in a conditional

	if ($acl->can->accountant->delete('patientFinancialHistory'))
		//delete the patients financial history!
		//this user does not have any permission to delete this resource, let him know that



	$serializedAcl = serialize($acl);

	//store $serializedAcl in a session
	$_SESSION["acl"] = $serializedAcl.

	//or in a db
	$sqlQuery = "INSERT INTO my_tbl VALUES ('$serializedAcl')";

	 * File Name: patientHistories.php

	$acl = unserialize($_SESSION["acl"]);

	//use it!
	if ($acl->can->accountant->delete('patientFinanicalHistory'))
		//delete the patients financial history!
		//this user does not have any permission to delete this resource, let him know that
