PHP code example of sammaye / yii2-solr

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download sammaye/yii2-solr library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


sammaye / yii2-solr example snippets

$query = Yii::$app->solr->createSelect();
$query->setQuery('edismax&qf=title^20.0 OR description^0.3');
$result = Yii::$app->solr->select($query);

	'solr' => [
		'class' => 'sammaye\solr\Client',
		'options' => [
			'endpoint' => [
				'solr1' => [
					'host' => '',
					'port' => '8983',
					'path' => '/',
					'collection' => 'myColl

$query = Yii::$app->solr->createSelect();
$query->setQuery('(alt_subject_mpath:' . $model->path . ' OR alt_subject_mpath:' . $model->path . '.*) AND live:1');

new SolrDataProvider([
    'query' => $query,
    // an example class which assigns variables to the model(s)
    // and returns the model(s) 
    'modelClass' => 'SolrResult',
    'sort' => [
        'attributes' => [