PHP code example of samhastings / classistant

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download samhastings/classistant library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


samhastings / classistant example snippets

// Four spaces (default behaviour)
\SamHastings\Classistant\Config::$indentChar = ' ';
\SamHastings\Classistant\Config::$indentWidth = 4;

// Tab
\SamHastings\Classistant\Config::$indentChar = "\t";
\SamHastings\Classistant\Config::$indentWidth = 1;

use SamHastings\Classistant\{

$class = ClassGenerator::create('MyClass')
    // Create the class inside a namespace if you wish.

    // You can extend a single class... (see note below for explanation of why the
    // leading backslash is ONSTANT_NAME', 'value'))

    // You can change the visibility of a constant. (PHP 7.1+ only.)
    ->addConstant(ConstantGenerator::create('PRIVATE_CONSTANT', 42, Visibility::PRIVATE))

    // Let’s add a couple of properties. The default visibility is public. When
    // you add a property, getter and setter methods are automatically generated.
    ->addProperty(PropertyGenerator::create('myPublicProperty', Visibility::PUBLIC))
    ->addProperty(PropertyGenerator::create('myPrivateProperty', Visibility::PRIVATE))
    ->addProperty(PropertyGenerator::create('myProtectedProperty', Visibility::PROTECTED))

    // You can also specify the property’s default value. When the property’s type
    // is set to `bool`, the accessor method name changes to `is*`. In all other
    // cases, the name will be `get*`.
        PropertyGenerator::create('active', Visibility::PRIVATE, 'bool')

    // Static properties are supported.

    // Use the Expression class to set a PHP expression as a property’s default
    // value. This can also be used when defining default parameter values.
        PropertyGenerator::create('foo', Visibility::PRIVATE)

    // You can also define the data type of the property. This affects the method
    // signatures of the generated getter and setter methods.
    ->addProperty(PropertyGenerator::create('date', Visibility::PRIVATE, '\\'.\DateTime::class))

    // Of course, you may want to disable getter and setter generation. The second
    // and third arguments passed to addProperty() disable getters and setters,
    // respectively.
    ->addProperty(PropertyGenerator::create('date'), false, false)

    // Methods are public by default, but visibility can be changed as with
    // properties.
        MethodGenerator::create('doSomething', Visibility::PRIVATE)
            // Add a plain old parameter.

            // You can type-hint a parameter.
            ->addParameter(ParameterGenerator::create('date', '\\'.\DateTime::class))

            // You can also specify a default value for the parameter, making it
            // optional.
                ParameterGenerator::create('location', 'string')
                ParameterGenerator::create('favoriteColor', 'string')

            // And you can mark the parameter type as nullable. (PHP 7.1+ only.)
                ParameterGenerator::create('age', 'int')

            // Return types are supported. Pass `true` as the second argument to
            // make the return value nullable. (PHP 7.1+ only.)
            ->setReturnType('string', true)

            // The method body is just a string.
            ->setBody("return 'something';")

    // If a method simply needs to return a PHP value, you can specify the value
    // and the script will write the appropriate method body for you. Note, this
    // will take precedence over any past or future calls to `setBody()`.

    // Variadic functions are supported.
                ParameterGenerator::create('things', 'string')
            ->setBody('$this->things = $things;')

    // A method can also be static or final.
            ->setBody('return true;')

    // And finally, it can be abstract, in which case any body you specify will
    // be ignored.

// To write the output to a file, use the FileGenerator class.

// Alternatively, you can capture the output of FileGenerator and do whatever
// you want with it.
$php = FileGenerator::create()