PHP code example of saleem189 / darryldecode-cart-11
1. Go to this page and download the library: Download saleem189/darryldecode-cart-11 library. Choose the download type require.
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards */
// Quick Usage with the Product Model Association & User session binding
$Product = Product::find($productId); // assuming you have a Product model with id, name, description & price
$rowId = 456; // generate a unique() row ID
$userID = 2; // the user ID to bind the cart contents
// add the product to cart
'id' => $rowId,
'name' => $Product->name,
'price' => $Product->price,
'quantity' => 4,
'attributes' => array(),
'associatedModel' => $Product
// update the item on cart
'quantity' => 2,
'price' => 98.67
// delete an item on cart
// view the cart items
$items = \Cart::getContent();
foreach($items as $row) {
echo $row->id; // row ID
echo $row->name;
echo $row->qty;
echo $row->price;
echo $item->associatedModel->id; // whatever properties your model have
echo $item->associatedModel->name; // whatever properties your model have
echo $item->associatedModel->description; // whatever properties your model have
$userId // the current login user id
// This tells the cart that we only need or manipulate
// the cart data of a specific user. It doesn't need to be $userId,
// you can use any unique key that represents a unique to a user or customer.
// basically this binds the cart to a specific user.
// then followed by the normal cart usage
\Cart::addItemCondition($productID, $coupon101);
// and so on..
* add item to the cart, it can be an array or multi dimensional array
* @param string|array $id
* @param string $name
* @param float $price
* @param int $quantity
* @param array $attributes
* @param CartCondition|array $conditions
* @return $this
* @throws InvalidItemException
# EXAMPLE: \Cart::session($userId); then followed by cart normal usage.
# the 'id' field in adding a new item on cart is not intended for the Model ID (example Product ID)
# instead make sure to put a unique ID for every unique product or product that has it's own unique prirce,
# because it is used for updating cart and how each item on cart are segregated during calculation and quantities.
# You can put the model_id instead as an attribute for full flexibility.
# Example is that if you want to add same products on the cart but with totally different attribute and price.
# If you use the Product's ID as the 'id' field in cart, it will result to increase in quanity instead
# of adding it as a unique product with unique attribute and price.
// Simplest form to add item on your cart
Cart::add(455, 'Sample Item', 100.99, 2, array());
// array format
'id' => 456, // inique row ID
'name' => 'Sample Item',
'price' => 67.99,
'quantity' => 4,
'attributes' => array()
// add multiple items at one time
'id' => 456,
'name' => 'Sample Item 1',
'price' => 67.99,
'quantity' => 4,
'attributes' => array()
'id' => 568,
'name' => 'Sample Item 2',
'price' => 69.25,
'quantity' => 4,
'attributes' => array(
'size' => 'L',
'color' => 'blue'
// add cart items to a specific user
$userId = auth()->user()->id; // or any string represents user identifier
'id' => 456, // inique row ID
'name' => 'Sample Item',
'price' => 67.99,
'quantity' => 4,
'attributes' => array(),
'associatedModel' => $Product
// NOTE:
// Please keep in mind that when adding an item on cart, the "id" should be unique as it serves as
// row identifier as well. If you provide same ID, it will assume the operation will be an update to its quantity
// to avoid cart item duplicates
* update a cart
* @param $id (the item ID)
* @param array $data
* the $data will be an associative array, you don't need to pass all the data, only the key value
* of the item you want to update on it
Cart::update(456, array(
'name' => 'New Item Name', // new item name
'price' => 98.67, // new item price, price can also be a string format like so: '98.67'
// you may also want to update a product's quantity
Cart::update(456, array(
'quantity' => 2, // so if the current product has a quantity of 4, another 2 will be added so this will result to 6
// you may also want to update a product by reducing its quantity, you do this like so:
Cart::update(456, array(
'quantity' => -1, // so if the current product has a quantity of 4, it will subtract 1 and will result to 3
// NOTE: as you can see by default, the quantity update is relative to its current value
// if you want to just totally replace the quantity instead of incrementing or decrementing its current quantity value
// you can pass an array in quantity value like so:
Cart::update(456, array(
'quantity' => array(
'relative' => false,
'value' => 5
// so with that code above as relative is flagged as false, if the item's quantity before is 2 it will now be 5 instead of
// 5 + 2 which results to 7 if updated relatively..
// updating a cart for a specific user
$userId = auth()->user()->id; // or any string represents user identifier
Cart::session($userId)->update(456, array(
'name' => 'New Item Name', // new item name
'price' => 98.67, // new item price, price can also be a string format like so: '98.67'
* removes an item on cart by item ID
* @param $id
// removing cart item for a specific user's cart
$userId = auth()->user()->id; // or any string represents user identifier
* get an item on a cart by item ID
* if item ID is not found, this will return null
* @param $itemId
* @return null|array
$itemId = 456;
// You can also get the sum of the Item multiplied by its quantity, see below:
$summedPrice = Cart::get($itemId)->getPriceSum();
// get an item on a cart by item ID for a specific user's cart
$userId = auth()->user()->id; // or any string represents user identifier
* get the cart
* @return CartCollection
$cartCollection = Cart::getContent();
// NOTE: Because cart collection extends Laravel's Collection
// You can use methods you already know about Laravel's Collection
// See some of its method below:
// count carts contents
// transformations
// Getting cart's contents for a specific user
$userId = auth()->user()->id; // or any string represents user identifier
* check if cart is empty
* @return bool
// Check if cart's contents is empty for a specific user
$userId = auth()->user()->id; // or any string represents user identifier
* get total quantity of items in the cart
* @return int
$cartTotalQuantity = Cart::getTotalQuantity();
// for a specific user
$cartTotalQuantity = Cart::session($userId)->getTotalQuantity();
* get cart sub total
* @return float
$subTotal = Cart::getSubTotal();
// for a specific user
$subTotal = Cart::session($userId)->getSubTotal();
* get cart sub total with out conditions
* @param bool $formatted
* @return float
$subTotalWithoutConditions = Cart::getSubTotalWithoutConditions();
// for a specific user
$subTotalWithoutConditions = Cart::session($userId)->getSubTotalWithoutConditions();
* the new total in which conditions are already applied
* @return float
$total = Cart::getTotal();
// for a specific user
$total = Cart::session($userId)->getTotal();
// add single condition on a cart bases
$condition = new \Darryldecode\Cart\CartCondition(array(
'name' => 'VAT 12.5%',
'type' => 'tax',
'target' => 'subtotal', // this condition will be applied to cart's subtotal when getSubTotal() is called.
'value' => '12.5%',
'attributes' => array( // attributes field is optional
'description' => 'Value added tax',
'more_data' => 'more data here'
Cart::session($userId)->condition($condition); // for a speicifc user's cart
// or add multiple conditions from different condition instances
$condition1 = new \Darryldecode\Cart\CartCondition(array(
'name' => 'VAT 12.5%',
'type' => 'tax',
'target' => 'subtotal', // this condition will be applied to cart's subtotal when getSubTotal() is called.
'value' => '12.5%',
'order' => 2
$condition2 = new \Darryldecode\Cart\CartCondition(array(
'name' => 'Express Shipping $15',
'type' => 'shipping',
'target' => 'subtotal', // this condition will be applied to cart's subtotal when getSubTotal() is called.
'value' => '+15',
'order' => 1
// Note that after adding conditions that are targeted to be applied on subtotal, the result on getTotal()
// will also be affected as getTotal() depends in getSubTotal() which is the subtotal.
// add condition to only apply on totals, not in subtotal
$condition = new \Darryldecode\Cart\CartCondition(array(
'name' => 'Express Shipping $15',
'type' => 'shipping',
'target' => 'total', // this condition will be applied to cart's total when getTotal() is called.
'value' => '+15',
'order' => 1 // the order of calculation of cart base conditions. The bigger the later to be applied.
// The property 'order' lets you control the sequence of conditions when calculated. Also it lets you add different conditions through for example a shopping process with multiple
// pages and still be able to set an order to apply the conditions. If no order is defined defaults to 0
// NOTE!! On current version, 'order' parameter is only applicable for conditions for cart bases. It does not support on per item conditions.
// or add multiple conditions as array
Cart::condition([$condition1, $condition2]);
// To get all applied conditions on a cart, use below:
$cartConditions = Cart::getConditions();
foreach($cartConditions as $condition)
$condition->getTarget(); // the target of which the condition was applied
$condition->getName(); // the name of the condition
$condition->getType(); // the type
$condition->getValue(); // the value of the condition
$condition->getOrder(); // the order of the condition
$condition->getAttributes(); // the attributes of the condition, returns an empty [] if no attributes added
// You can also get a condition that has been applied on the cart by using its name, use below:
$condition = Cart::getCondition('VAT 12.5%');
$condition->getTarget(); // the target of which the condition was applied
$condition->getName(); // the name of the condition
$condition->getType(); // the type
$condition->getValue(); // the value of the condition
$condition->getAttributes(); // the attributes of the condition, returns an empty [] if no attributes added
// You can get the conditions calculated value by providing the subtotal, see below:
$subTotal = Cart::getSubTotal();
$condition = Cart::getCondition('VAT 12.5%');
$conditionCalculatedValue = $condition->getCalculatedValue($subTotal);
$cartTotal = Cart::getSubTotal(); // the subtotal with the conditions targeted to "subtotal" applied
$cartTotal = Cart::getTotal(); // the total with the conditions targeted to "total" applied
$cartTotal = Cart::session($userId)->getSubTotal(); // for a specific user's cart
$cartTotal = Cart::session($userId)->getTotal(); // for a specific user's cart
// lets create first our condition instance
$saleCondition = new \Darryldecode\Cart\CartCondition(array(
'name' => 'SALE 5%',
'type' => 'tax',
'value' => '-5%',
// now the product to be added on cart
$product = array(
'id' => 456,
'name' => 'Sample Item 1',
'price' => 100,
'quantity' => 1,
'attributes' => array(),
'conditions' => $saleCondition
// finally add the product on the cart
// you may also add multiple condition on an item
$itemCondition1 = new \Darryldecode\Cart\CartCondition(array(
'name' => 'SALE 5%',
'type' => 'sale',
'value' => '-5%',
$itemCondition2 = new CartCondition(array(
'name' => 'Item Gift Pack 25.00',
'type' => 'promo',
'value' => '-25',
$itemCondition3 = new \Darryldecode\Cart\CartCondition(array(
'name' => 'MISC',
'type' => 'misc',
'value' => '+10',
$item = array(
'id' => 456,
'name' => 'Sample Item 1',
'price' => 100,
'quantity' => 1,
'attributes' => array(),
'conditions' => [$itemCondition1, $itemCondition2, $itemCondition3]
// the subtotal will be calculated based on the conditions added that has target => "subtotal"
// and also conditions that are added on per item
$cartSubTotal = Cart::getSubTotal();
* clears all conditions on a cart,
* this does not remove conditions that has been added specifically to an item/product.
* If you wish to remove a specific condition to a product, you may use the method: removeItemCondition($itemId,$conditionName)
* @return void
* removes a condition on a cart by condition name,
* this can only remove conditions that are added on cart bases not conditions that are added on an item/product.
* If you wish to remove a condition that has been added for a specific item/product, you may
* use the removeItemCondition(itemId, conditionName) method instead.
* @param $conditionName
* @return void
$conditionName = 'Summer Sale 5%';
* remove a condition that has been applied on an item that is already on the cart
* @param $itemId
* @param $conditionName
* @return bool
Cart::removeItemCondition($itemId, $conditionName)
* remove all conditions that has been applied on an item that is already on the cart
* @param $itemId
* @return bool
* Get all the condition filtered by Type
* Please Note that this will only return condition added on cart bases, not those conditions added
* specifically on an per item bases
* @param $type
* @return CartConditionCollection
public function getConditionsByType($type)
* Remove all the condition with the $type specified
* Please Note that this will only remove condition added on cart bases, not those conditions added
* specifically on an per item bases
* @param $type
* @return $this
public function removeConditionsByType($type)
* get the sum of price
* @return mixed|null
public function getPriceSum()
* get the single price in which conditions are already applied
* @return mixed|null
public function getPriceWithConditions()
* get the sum of price in which conditions are already applied
* @return mixed|null
public function getPriceSumWithConditions()
// add the item to the cart.
$cartItem = Cart::add(455, 'Sample Item', 100.99, 2, array())->associate('Product');
// array format
'id' => 456,
'name' => 'Sample Item',
'price' => 67.99,
'quantity' => 4,
'attributes' => array(),
'associatedModel' => 'Product'
// add multiple items at one time
'id' => 456,
'name' => 'Sample Item 1',
'price' => 67.99,
'quantity' => 4,
'attributes' => array(),
'associatedModel' => 'Product'
'id' => 568,
'name' => 'Sample Item 2',
'price' => 69.25,
'quantity' => 4,
'attributes' => array(
'size' => 'L',
'color' => 'blue'
'associatedModel' => 'Product'
// Now, when iterating over the content of the cart, you can access the model.
foreach(Cart::getContent() as $row) {
echo 'You have ' . $row->qty . ' items of ' . $row->model->name . ' with description: "' . $row->model->description . '" in your cart.';
$this->app['wishlist'] = $this->app->share(function($app)
$storage = $app['session']; // laravel session storage
$events = $app['events']; // laravel event handler
$instanceName = 'wishlist'; // your cart instance name
$session_key = 'AsASDMCks0ks1'; // your unique session key to hold cart items
return new Cart(
// for 5.4 or newer
use Darryldecode\Cart\Cart;
use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;
class WishListProvider extends ServiceProvider
* Bootstrap the application services.
* @return void
public function boot()
* Register the application services.
* @return void
public function register()
$this->app->singleton('wishlist', function($app)
$storage = $app['session'];
$events = $app['events'];
$instanceName = 'cart_2';
$session_key = '88uuiioo99888';
return new Cart(
// add items to cart
'id' => 456,
'name' => 'Sample Item 1',
'price' => 67.99,
'quantity' => 4,
'attributes' => array()
'id' => 568,
'name' => 'Sample Item 2',
'price' => 69.25,
'quantity' => 4,
'attributes' => array(
'size' => 'L',
'color' => 'blue'
// then you can:
$items = Cart::getContent();
foreach($items as $item)
$item->id; // the Id of the item
$item->name; // the name
$item->price; // the single price without conditions applied
$item->getPriceSum(); // the subtotal without conditions applied
$item->getPriceWithConditions(); // the single price with conditions applied
$item->getPriceSumWithConditions(); // the subtotal with conditions applied
$item->quantity; // the quantity
$item->attributes; // the attributes
// Note that attribute returns ItemAttributeCollection object that extends the native laravel collection
// so you can do things like below:
if( $item->attributes->has('size') )
// item has attribute size
// item has no attribute size
// or
$item->id; // the Id of the item
$item->name; // the name
$item->price; // the single price without conditions applied
$item->getPriceSum(); // the subtotal without conditions applied
$item->getPriceWithConditions(); // the single price with conditions applied
$item->getPriceSumWithConditions(); // the subtotal with conditions applied
$item->quantity; // the quantity
$item->attributes; // the attributes
if( $item->attributes->has('size') )
// item has attribute size
// item has no attribute size
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Schema;
use Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint;
use Illuminate\Database\Migrations\Migration;
class CreateCartStorageTable extends Migration
* Run the migrations.
* @return void
public function up()
Schema::create('cart_storage', function (Blueprint $table) {
* Reverse the migrations.
* @return void
public function down()
namespace App;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
class DatabaseStorageModel extends Model
protected $table = 'cart_storage';
* The attributes that are mass assignable.
* @var array
protected $fillable = [
'id', 'cart_data',
public function setCartDataAttribute($value)
$this->attributes['cart_data'] = serialize($value);
public function getCartDataAttribute($value)
return unserialize($value);
class DBStorage {
public function has($key)
return DatabaseStorageModel::find($key);
public function get($key)
return new CartCollection(DatabaseStorageModel::find($key)->cart_data);
return [];
public function put($key, $value)
if($row = DatabaseStorageModel::find($key))
// update
$row->cart_data = $value;
'id' => $key,
'cart_data' => $value
namespace App\Cart;
use Carbon\Carbon;
use Cookie;
use Darryldecode\Cart\CartCollection;
class CacheStorage
private $data = [];
private $cart_id;
public function __construct()
$this->cart_id = \Cookie::get('cart');
if ($this->cart_id) {
$this->data = \Cache::get('cart_' . $this->cart_id, []);
} else {
$this->cart_id = uniqid();
public function has($key)
return isset($this->data[$key]);
public function get($key)
return new CartCollection($this->data[$key] ?? []);
public function put($key, $value)
$this->data[$key] = $value;
\Cache::put('cart_' . $this->cart_id, $this->data, Carbon::now()->addDays(30));
if (!Cookie::hasQueued('cart')) {
Cookie::make('cart', $this->cart_id, 60 * 24 * 30)
use Darryldecode\Cart\Cart;
use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;
class WishListProvider extends ServiceProvider
* Bootstrap the application services.
* @return void
public function boot()
* Register the application services.
* @return void
public function register()
$this->app->singleton('wishlist', function($app)
$storage = new DBStorage(); <-- Your new custom storage
$events = $app['events'];
$instanceName = 'cart_2';
$session_key = '88uuiioo99888';
return new Cart(
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