PHP code example of saguajardo / elasticsearch

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download saguajardo/elasticsearch library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


saguajardo / elasticsearch example snippets


'ES' => Saguajardo\Elasticsearch\Facades\ES::class




# is similar to 


use Saguajardo\Elasticsearch\Connection;

$connection = Connection::create([
    'servers' => [
            "host" => '',
            "port" => 9200,
            'user' => '',
            'pass' => '',
            'scheme' => 'http',
	// Custom handlers
	// 'handler' => new MyCustomHandler(),

    'index' => 'my_index',
    'logging' => [
        'enabled'   => env('ELASTIC_LOGGING_ENABLED',false),
        'level'     => env('ELASTIC_LOGGING_LEVEL','all'),
        'location'  => env('ELASTIC_LOGGING_LOCATION',base_path('storage/logs/elasticsearch.log'))

# access the query builder using created connection

$documents = $connection->search("hello")->get();

# Here you can define the default connection name.

'default' => env('ELASTIC_CONNECTION', 'default'),

# Here you can define your connections.

'connections' => [
	'default' => [
	    'servers' => [
	            "host" => env("ELASTIC_HOST", ""),
	            "port" => env("ELASTIC_PORT", 9200),
	            'user' => env('ELASTIC_USER', ''),
	            'pass' => env('ELASTIC_PASS', ''),
	            'scheme' => env('ELASTIC_SCHEME', 'http'),
		// Custom handlers
		// 'handler' => new MyCustomHandler(),
		'index' => env('ELASTIC_INDEX', 'my_index')
# Here you can define your indices.
'indices' => [
	'my_index_1' => [
	    "aliases" => [
	    'settings' => [
	        "number_of_shards" => 1,
	        "number_of_replicas" => 0,
	    'mappings' => [
	        'posts' => [
                'properties' => [
                    'title' => [
                        'type' => 'string'

"aliases" => [

# change the default driver to 'es'
'driver' => env('SCOUT_DRIVER', 'es'),
# link `es` driver with default elasticsearch connection in config/es.php
'es' => [
    'connection' => env('ELASTIC_CONNECTION', 'default'),

namespace App;

use Saguajardo\Elasticsearch\Model;

class Post extends Model
    protected $type = "posts";

namespace App;

use Saguajardo\Elasticsearch\Model;

class Post extends Model
    # [optional] Default: default elasticsearch driver
    # To override default conenction name of es.php file.
    # Assumed that there is a connection with name 'my_connection'
    protected $connection = "my_connection";
    # [optional] Default: default connection index
    # To override default index name of es.php file.
    protected $index = "my_index";
    protected $type = "posts";

use App\Post;

$posts = App\Post::all();

foreach ($posts as $post) {
    echo $post->title;

$posts = App\Post::where('status', 1)
               ->orderBy('created_at', 'desc')

// Retrieve a model by document key...
$posts = App\Post::find("AVp_tCaAoV7YQD3Esfmp");

namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use App\Post;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use App\Http\Controllers\Controller;

class PostController extends Controller
     * Create a new post instance.
     * @param  Request  $request
     * @return Response
    public function store(Request $request)
        // Validate the request...

        $post = new Post;

        $post->title = $request->title;


$post = App\Post::find(1);

$post->title = 'New Post Title';


$post = App\Post::find(1);


namespace App;

use Saguajardo\Elasticsearch\Model;

class Post extends Model
     * Scope a query to only ic function scopePopular($query, $votes)
        return $query->where('votes', '>', $votes);

     * Scope a query to only 

$posts = App\Post::popular(100)->active()->orderBy('created_at')->get();

namespace App;

use Saguajardo\Elasticsearch\Model;

class post extends Model
     * Get the post title.
     * @param  string  $value
     * @return string
    public function getTitleAttribute($value)
        return ucfirst($value);

$post = App\Post::find(1);

$title = $post->title;

public function getIsPublishedAttribute()
    return $this->attributes['status'] == 1;

protected $appends = ['is_published'];

namespace App;

use Saguajardo\Elasticsearch\Model;

class post extends Model
     * Set the post title.
     * @param  string  $value
     * @return void
    public function setTitleAttribute($value)
        return strtolower($value);

$post = App\Post::find(1);

$post->title = 'Awesome post to read';

namespace App;

use Saguajardo\Elasticsearch\Model;

class Post extends Model
     * The attributes that should be cast to native types.
     * @var array
    protected $casts = [
        'is_published' => 'boolean',

$post = App\Post::find(1);

if ($post->is_published) {

# or 

        'my_type' => [
            'properties' => [
                'first_name' => [
                    'type' => 'string',
                'age' => [
                    'type' => 'integer'
# or
ES::create("my_index", function($index){
          'my_type' => [
              'properties' => [
                  'first_name' => [
                      'type' => 'string',
                  'age' => [
                      'type' => 'integer'

# or

$documents = ES::connection("default")
                ->get();    # return a collection of results

$documents = ES::type("my_type")->get();    # return a collection of results

# or
ES::type("my_type")->orderBy("created_at", "desc")->get();
# Sorting with text search score

ES::type("my_type")->select("title", "content")->take(10)->skip(5)->get();
ES::type("my_type")->where("status", "published")->get();

# or

ES::type("my_type")->where("status", "=", "published")->get();

ES::type("my_type")->where("views", ">", 150)->get();

ES::type("my_type")->where("views", ">=", 150)->get();

ES::type("my_type")->where("views", "<", 150)->get();

ES::type("my_type")->where("views", "<=", 150)->get();

ES::type("my_type")->where("title", "like", "foo")->get();

ES::type("my_type")->where("hobbies", "exists", true)->get(); 

# or 

ES::type("my_type")->whereExists("hobbies", true)->get();
ES::type("my_type")->whereIn("id", [100, 150])->get();
ES::type("my_type")->whereBetween("id", 100, 150)->get();

# or 

ES::type("my_type")->whereBetween("id", [100, 150])->get();
ES::type("my_type")->whereNot("status", "published")->get(); 

# or

ES::type("my_type")->whereNot("status", "=", "published")->get();

ES::type("my_type")->whereNot("views", ">", 150)->get();

ES::type("my_type")->whereNot("views", ">=", 150)->get();

ES::type("my_type")->whereNot("views", "<", 150)->get();

ES::type("my_type")->whereNot("views", "<=", 150)->get();

ES::type("my_type")->whereNot("title", "like", "foo")->get();

ES::type("my_type")->whereNot("hobbies", "exists", true)->get(); 

# or

ES::type("my_type")->whereExists("hobbies", true)->get();
ES::type("my_type")->whereNotIn("id", [100, 150])->get();
ES::type("my_type")->whereNotBetween("id", 100, 150)->get();

# or

ES::type("my_type")->whereNotBetween("id", [100, 150])->get();
ES::type("my_type")->distance("location", ["lat" => -33.8688197, "lon" => 151.20929550000005], "10km")->get();

# or

ES::type("my_type")->distance("location", "-33.8688197,151.20929550000005", "10km")->get();

# or

ES::type("my_type")->distance("location", [151.20929550000005, -33.8688197], "10km")->get();  

    "query" => [
         "bool" => [
             "must" => [
                 [ "match" => [ "address" => "mill" ] ],
                 [ "match" => [ "address" => "lane" ] ]

# Note that you can mix between query builder and array queries.
# The query builder will will be merged with the array query.


	"_source" => ["content"]
	"query" => [
	     "bool" => [
	         "must" => [
	             [ "match" => [ "address" => "mill" ] ]
	"sort" => [
])->select("name")->orderBy("created_at", "desc")->take(10)->skip(5)->get();

# The result query will be
    [index] => my_index
    [type] => my_type
    [body] => Array
            [_source] => Array
                    [0] => content
                    [1] => name
            [query] => Array
                    [bool] => Array
                            [must] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [match] => Array
                                                    [address] => mill
            [sort] => Array
                    [0] => _score
                    [1] => Array
                            [created_at] => desc
    [from] => 5
    [size] => 10
    [client] => Array
            [ignore] => Array

# search with Boost = 2
ES::type("my_type")->search("hello", 2)->get();

# search within specific fields with different weights

ES::type("my_type")->search("hello", function($search){
	$search->boost(2)->fields(["title" => 2, "content" => 1])

$doc = ES::type("my_type")->highlight("title")->search("hello")->first();

# Multiple fields Highlighting is allowed.

$doc = ES::type("my_type")->highlight("title", "content")->search("hello")->first();

# Return all highlights as array using $doc->getHighlights() method.


# Also you can return only highlights of specific field.


# These queries are suitable for large amount of data. 
# A scrolled search allows you to do an initial search and to keep pulling batches of results
# from Elasticsearch until there are no more results left.
# It’s a bit like a cursor in a traditional database
$documents = ES::type("my_type")->search("hello")

# Response will contain a hashed code `scroll_id` will be used to get the next result by running

$documents = ES::type("my_type")->search("hello")

# And so on ...
# Note that you don't need to write the query parameters in every scroll. All you need the `scroll_id` and query scroll time.
# To clear `scroll_id` 
$documents = ES::type("my_type")->search("hello")->paginate(5);
# Getting pagination links

# Bootstrap 4 pagination


# Simple bootstrap 4 pagination


# Simple pagination



ES::type("my_type")->search("hello")->where("views", ">", 150)->query();

ES::type("my_type")->search("hello")->where("views", ">", 150)->response();
ES::type("my_type")->ignore(404, 500)->id(5)->first();

# Specify a custom cache key

ES::type("my_type")->search("hello")->remember(10, "last_documents")->get();
# Caching using other available driver
ES::type("my_type")->search("hello")->cacheDriver("redis")->remember(10, "last_documents")->get();
# Caching with cache key prefix
ES::type("my_type")->search("hello")->cacheDriver("redis")->cachePrefix("docs")->remember(10, "last_documents")->get();

    "index" => "my_index",
    "type"  => "my_type",
    "body" => [
        "query" => [
            "bool" => [
                "must" => [
                    [ "match" => [ "address" => "mill" ] ],
                    [ "match" => [ "address" => "lane" ] ]

    "title" => "Test document",
    "content" => "Sample content"
# A new document will be inserted with _id = 3.
# [id is optional] if not specified, a unique hash key will be generated.

# Main query

ES::index("my_index")->type("my_type")->bulk(function ($bulk){

    # Sub queries

	$bulk->index("my_index_1")->type("my_type_1")->id(10)->insert(["title" => "Test document 1","content" => "Sample content 1"]);
	$bulk->index("my_index_2")->id(11)->insert(["title" => "Test document 2","content" => "Sample content 2"]);
	$bulk->id(12)->insert(["title" => "Test document 3", "content" => "Sample content 3"]);

# Notes from the above query:

# As index and type names are ple content 1"
	11 => [
		"title" => "Test document 2",
		"content" => "Sample content 2"
# The two given documents will be inserted with its associated ids
   "title" => "Test document",
   "content" => "sample content"
# Document has _id = 3 will be updated.
# [id is 

# Bulk update

ES::type("my_type")->bulk(function ($bulk){
    $bulk->id(10)->update(["title" => "Test document 1","content" => "Sample content 1"]);
    $bulk->id(11)->update(["title" => "Test document 2","content" => "Sample content 2"]);

# Document has _id = 3 will be incremented by 1.
ES::type("my_type")->id(3)->increment("views", 3);
# Document has _id = 3 will be incremented by 3.

# [id is 
# Document has _id = 3 will be decremented by 1.
ES::type("my_type")->id(3)->decrement("views", 3);
# Document has _id = 3 will be decremented by 3.

# [id is 

# increment field by script
    "ctx._source.$field += params.count",
    ["count" => 1]
# add php tag to tags array list
    ["tag" => "php"]
# delete the doc if the tags field contain mongodb, otherwise it does nothing (noop)
    "if (ctx._source.tags.contains(params.tag)) { ctx.op = 'delete' } else { ctx.op = 'none' }",
    ["tag" => "mongodb"]

# Document has _id = 3 will be deleted.
# [id is 

# Bulk delete

ES::type("my_type")->bulk(function ($bulk){
$ php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Saguajardo\Elasticsearch\ElasticsearchServiceProvider"