PHP code example of sagittariusx / beluga.dynamic-properties

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download sagittariusx/beluga.dynamic-properties library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


sagittariusx / beluga.dynamic-properties example snippets

 * …
 * @property-read string $foo Description of the property…

# use Beluga\DynamicProperties\ExplicitGetter;

 * @property-read string $foo …
 * @property-read bool   $bar …
class MyClass extends ExplicitGetter

   private $properties = [
      'foo'      => 'foo',
      'bar'      => true

   public function getFoo() : string
      return $this->properties[ 'foo' ];
   public function getBar() : bool
      return $this->properties[ 'bar' ];



use Beluga\DynamicProperties\ExplicitGetterSetter;

 * @property      string $foo …
 * @property-read bool   $bar …
class MyClass extends ExplicitGetterSetter

   private $properties = [
      'foo'      => 'foo',
      'bar'      => true

   public function getFoo() : string
      return $this->properties[ 'foo' ];

   public function getBar() : bool
      return $this->properties[ 'bar' ];

   public function setFoo( string $value ) : MyClass
      if ( \strlen( $value ) < 1 )
         throw new \LogicException( 'Foo can not use an empty string' );
      $this->properties[ 'foo' ] = $value;
      return $this;


   public function __construct()

      // ignore the getBar() method
      $this->ignoreGetProperties = [ 'bar' ];

      // If the class extends from ExplicitGetterSetter you can also
      // Define the setters that should be ignored. e.g.: ignore setFoo()
      $this->ignoreSetProperties = [ 'foo' ];
