PHP code example of sabith / zatcaphase2

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download sabith/zatcaphase2 library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


sabith / zatcaphase2 example snippets

use Sabith\Zatcaphase2\Invoice;
use Sabith\Zatcaphase2\ProductionCSID;

$compliancecsid = new ComplianceCSID;
$compliancecsid->email("[email protected]")
    ->companyName("Jeem IT")
    ->businessCategory("Software and IT")

echo $compliancecsid->sendAPIrequest(); //it will display the compliance csid if API call is success.


// Invoice Section
    ->reasonForCreditOrDebitNote('Item Returned');

// Seller Section
    ->registrationName('Acme Widgets LTD');

// Customer Section
    ->registrationName('Acme Widgets LTD 2');

// Document Allowances
    ->allowanceReason('Free Text for allowance')

// Document Charges

// PrePaid Documents
    ->prePaymentCategoryAmount('S', 2.00)
    ->prePaymentCategoryAmount('E', 0.00)
    ->prePaymentCategoryAmount('Z', 0.00)
    ->prePaymentCategoryAmount('O', 0.00);

    ->prePaymentCategoryAmount('S', 1.00)
    ->prePaymentCategoryAmount('E', 0.00)
    ->prePaymentCategoryAmount('Z', 0.00)
    ->prePaymentCategoryAmount('O', 0.00);

// Line Item
    ->lineAllowanceMethod('percentage') //percentage or direct
    ->lineChargeMethod('percentage') //percentage or direct

// echo ($invoice->toJson());

echo "<br><br>Compliance Check <br>";
echo $invoice->APIcomplianceInvoiceCheck();

echo "<br><br>Compliance Check and submit <br>";
echo $invoice->APIcomplianceInvoiceCheckAndSubmit();

//Compliance Check and submit and get PDF A/3
    "pdfLocation" => __DIR__.'/sampleInvoice.pdf',
    "pdfA3_SaveDirectory" => __DIR__.'/pdfdownloaded',
    'pdfA3_FileName' => 'sampleInvoicePDFA3.pdf'

echo "<br><br>PDF/A-3 file save status<br>";

echo $invoice->isfileSaved();

echo "<br><br>stackcue header response<br>";
echo $invoice->getStackcueHeader();

echo $invoice->APIcomplianceInvoiceCheck();

echo $invoice->APIcomplianceInvoiceCheckAndSubmit();