PHP code example of ryssbowh / scss-php-compiler

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download ryssbowh/scss-php-compiler library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


ryssbowh / scss-php-compiler example snippets

'beforeCompile': function (array $files) 
'afterCompile': function (array $files) 
'beforeCompileFile': function (ScssSource $source)
'afterCompileFile': function (ScssSource $source, CompilationResults $results)
'beforeWriteAssets': function (Assets $assets)
'afterWriteAssets': function (Assets $assets) 
'beforeAddAsset': function (Asset $asset)
'afterAddAsset': function (Asset $asset) 
'beforeExtractAssets': function (CompilationResults $results)
'afterExtractAssets': function (CompilationResults $results)
'extractAsset': function (string $path) : ?string  //returning a string will prevent other plugins to access this event
'beforeOptimize': function (CompilationResults $results)
'afterOptimize': function (CompilationResults $results)
'beforeWriteSourcemaps': function (CompilationResults $results, string $name, string $fileName)
'afterWriteSourcemaps': function (CompilationResults $results, string $name, string $fileName)
'importNotFound': function (string $import): ?string  //returning a string will prevent other plugins to access this event

'beforeWriteManifest': function (string $file, array $manifest): ?array //Return an array to modify the manifest
'afterWriteManifest': function (array $file, array $manifest)

use Ryssbowh\ScssPhp\plugins\FileLoader;

$plugins = [
    new FileLoader([
        'test' => '/.+.(?:ico|jpg|jpeg|png|gif)([\?#].*)?$/',
        'limit' => 8192, //default
        'mimetype' => null //Auto detection
$compiler = new Compiler([
    'publicFolder' => '/path/to/public/folder'
], $plugins);

$plugins = [
    new FileLoader([
        'test' => '/.+.(?:ico|jpg|jpeg|png|gif)([\?#].*)?$/',
    new FileLoader([
        'test' => '/.+.svg([\?#].*)?$/',
    new FileLoader([
        'test' => '/.+.ttf([\?#].*)?$/',
        'mimetype' => 'application/octet-stream',
    new FileLoader([
        'test' => '/.+.woff([\?#].*)?$/',
        'mimetype' => 'application/font-woff',
    new FileLoader([
        'test' => '/.+.woff2([\?#].*)?$/',
        'mimetype' => 'application/font-woff',
    new FileLoader([
        'test' => '/.+.eot([\?#].*)?$/',