PHP code example of rych / otp

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download rych/otp library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


rych / otp example snippets

use Rych\OTP\Seed;

// Generates a 20-byte (160-bit) secret key
$otpSeed = Seed::generate();

// -OR- use a pre-generated string
$otpSeed = new Seed('ThisIsMySecretSeed');

// Display secret key details
printf("Secret (HEX): %s\n", $otpSeed->getValue(Seed::FORMAT_HEX));
printf("Secret (BASE32): %s\n", $otpSeed->getValue(Seed::FORMAT_BASE32));

use Rych\OTP\HOTP;

$otpSeed = $userObject->getOTPSeed();
$otpCounter = $userObject->getOTPCounter();
$providedOTP = $requestObject->getPost('otp');

// The constructor will accept a Seed object or a string
$otplib = new HOTP($otpSeed);
if ($otplib->validate($providedOTP, $otpCounter)) {
    // Advance the application's stored counter
    // This bit is important for HOTP but not done for TOTP
    $userObject->incrementOTPCounter($otplib->getLastValidCounterOffset() + 1);

    // Now the user is authenticated