PHP code example of ryanwinchester / hubspot-php

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download ryanwinchester/hubspot-php library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


ryanwinchester / hubspot-php example snippets

$hubspot = SevenShores\Hubspot\Factory::create('api-key');

// OR create with access token (OAuth2 or Private App)

$hubspot = SevenShores\Hubspot\Factory::createWithAccessToken('access-token');

// OR instantiate by passing a configuration array.
// The only n referencing endpoints, use camelCase


$hubspot = new SevenShores\Hubspot\Factory(
        'key' => 'demo',
        'http_errors' => false // pass any Guzzle related option to any request, e.g. throw no exceptions
    false // return Guzzle Response object for any ->request(*) call

$handlerStack = \GuzzleHttp\HandlerStack::create();


$guzzleClient = new \GuzzleHttp\Client(['handler' => $handlerStack]);

$config = [
    'key' => 'access token',
    'oauth2' => true,

$hubspot = new \SevenShores\Hubspot\Factory($config, new \SevenShores\Hubspot\Http\Client($config, $guzzleClient));

$contact = $hubspot->contacts()->getByEmail("[email protected]");

echo $contact->properties->email->value;

// Get an array of 10 contacts
// getting only the firstname and lastname properties
// and set the offset to 123456
$response = $hubspot->contacts()->all([
    'count'     => 10,
    'property'  => ['firstname', 'lastname'],
    'vidOffset' => 123456,

foreach ($response->contacts as $contact) {
    echo sprintf(
        "Contact name is %s %s." . PHP_EOL,

// Info for pagination
echo $response->{'has-more'};
echo $response->{'vid-offset'};

foreach ($response['contacts'] as $contact) {
    echo sprintf(
        "Contact name is %s %s." . PHP_EOL,

// Info for pagination
echo $response['has-more'];
echo $response['vid-offset'];

$response->getStatusCode()   // 200;
$response->getReasonPhrase() // 'OK';
// etc...

use SevenShores\Hubspot\Endpoints\Contacts;

$client = new Client(['key' => 'access token', 'oauth2' => true,]);

$contacts = new Contacts($client);

$response = $contacts->all();

foreach ($response->contacts as $contact) {


$authUrl = OAuth2::getAuthUrl(


$authUrl = Utils::getFactory()->oAuth2()->getAuthUrl(
