PHP code example of ryantxr / discord-webhook

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download ryantxr/discord-webhook library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


ryantxr / discord-webhook example snippets

use Ryantxr\Discord\Webhook\Client as Webhook;

$webhook = new Webhook( 'YOUR_DISCORD_WEBHOOK_URL' );
$webhook->message('This is a message');

use Ryantxr\Discord\Webhook\Client as Webhook;
use Ryantxr\Discord\Webhook\Embed;

// Get this from some config
$webhookConfig = [
    'url'   => 'YOUR_DISCORD_WEBHOOK_URL',
    'username'      => 'funnybot',
    'avatar'        => '',

$webhook = new Webhook( $webhookConfig );

$embed = new Embed('SOME_URL_YOU_WANT');
$embed->title('This is a title')
            ->author('Justin', '', '')
            ->field('Field 1', 'Some cool text', true )
            ->field('Field 2', 'Another cool text', true )

$webhook->send($embed, "A message goes here.");