1. Go to this page and download the library: Download ryangjchandler/lexical library. Choose the download type require.
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards https://php-download.com/ */
ryangjchandler / lexical example snippets
enum TokenType
case Number;
case Add;
case Subtract;
case Multiply;
case Divide;
enum TokenType
case Number;
case Add;
case Subtract;
case Multiply;
case Divide;
$lexer = (new LexicalBuilder)
class Token
public function __construct(
public readonly TokenType $type,
public readonly string $literal,
public readonly Span $span,
) {}
$lexer = (new LexicalBuilder)
->produceTokenUsing(fn (TokenType $type, string $literal, Span $span) => new Token($type, $literal, $span))
$lexer->tokenise('1 + 2'); // -> [Token { type: TokenType::Number, literal: "1" }, ...]
use RyanChandler\Lexical\Attributes\Custom;
use RyanChandler\Lexical\InputSource;
enum Literals
case String;
class StringTokenProducer implements TokenProducerInterface
public function produce(InputSource $source): ?string
class StringTokenProducer implements TolerantTokenProducerInterface
public function canProduce(InputSource $source): int|false
$matches = $source->match('/"/', PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE);
if (! $matches) {
return false;
return $matches[0][1];
public function produce(InputSource $source): ?string
// If we're not looking at a double quote, return since we can't produce a token here.
if ($source->current() !== '"') {
return null;
// Place an offset marker in case we need to rewind at any point.
// Consume the " character.
$token = $source->consume();
while ($source->current() !== '"') {
// If we reach the end of the file before we find a closing double-quote,
// we can rewind to the marker and return early.
if ($source->isEof()) {
return null;
// Consume the current character.
$token .= $source->consume();
// If we reach this point, we must be at a double-quote character since the
// loop above has finished and we haven't returned yet.
$token .= $source->consume();
// Return the consumed text and let the Lexer handle the rest.
return $token;
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