PHP code example of rustici-software / scormcloud-api-v2-client-php

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download rustici-software/scormcloud-api-v2-client-php library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


rustici-software / scormcloud-api-v2-client-php example snippets

// Note: This code is specifically designed to not modify any existing data
$dispatch_api = new RusticiSoftware\Cloud\V2\Api\DispatchApi();
$response = $dispatch_api->updateDispatchesWithHttpInfo(new \RusticiSoftware\Cloud\V2\Model\UpdateDispatchSchema(), null, new DateTime("now"));

usticiSoftware\Cloud\V2 as ScormCloud;

// ScormCloud API credentials
// Note: These are not the same credentials used to log in to ScormCloud
const APP_ID = 'APP_ID';

// Sample values for data


// String used for output formatting
const OUTPUT_BORDER = "---------------------------------------------------------\n";

 * This sample will consist of:
 * 1. Creating a course.
 * 2. Registering a learner for the course.
 * 3. Building a link for the learner to take the course.
 * 4. Getting the learner's progress after having taken the course.
 * 5. Viewing all courses and registrations.
 * 6. Deleting all of the data created via this sample.
 * All input variables used in this sample are defined up above.
function main() {
    // Configure HTTP basic authorization: APP_NORMAL
    $config = new ScormCloud\Configuration();

    // Set the default configuration values for new configuration objects

    $sc = new ScormCloud_Php_Sample();

    try {
        // Create a course and a registration
        $courseDetails = $sc->createCourse(COURSE_ID, COURSE_PATH);
        $sc->createRegistration(COURSE_ID, LEARNER_ID, REGISTRATION_ID);

        // Show details of the newly imported course
        echo 'Newly Imported Course Details: ', PHP_EOL;
        echo $courseDetails, PHP_EOL;

        // Create the registration launch link
        $launchLink = $sc->buildLaunchLink(REGISTRATION_ID);

        // Show the launch link
        echo OUTPUT_BORDER, PHP_EOL;
        echo "Launch Link: {$launchLink}", PHP_EOL;
        echo 'Navigate to the url above to take the course. Hit enter once complete.', PHP_EOL;

        // Get the results for the registration
        $registrationProgress = $sc->getResultForRegistration(REGISTRATION_ID);

        // Show details of the registration progress
        echo OUTPUT_BORDER, PHP_EOL;
        echo 'Registration Progess: ', PHP_EOL;
        echo $registrationProgress, PHP_EOL;

        // Get information about all the courses in ScormCloud
        $courseList = $sc->getAllCourses();

        // Show details of the courses
        echo OUTPUT_BORDER, PHP_EOL;
        echo 'Course List: ', PHP_EOL;
        foreach ($courseList as $course) {
            echo $course, PHP_EOL;

        // Get information about all the registrations in ScormCloud
        $registrationList = $sc->getAllRegistrations();

        // Show details of the registrations
        echo OUTPUT_BORDER, PHP_EOL;
        echo 'Registration List: ', PHP_EOL;
        foreach ($registrationList as $registration) {
            echo $registration, PHP_EOL;
    } catch (ScormCloud\ApiException | InvalidArgumentException $e) {
        echo $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
    } finally {
        // Delete all the data created by this sample
        $sc->cleanUp(COURSE_ID, REGISTRATION_ID);

class ScormCloud_Php_Sample {

     * Sets the default OAuth token passed with all calls to the API.
     * If a token is created with limited scope (i.e. read:registration),
     * calls that >getImportJobStatus($jobId->getResult());
        while ($jobResult->getStatus() == ScormCloud\Model\ImportJobResultSchema::STATUS_RUNNING) {
            $jobResult = $courseApi->getImportJobStatus($jobId->getResult());

        if ($jobResult->getStatus() == ScormCloud\Model\ImportJobResultSchema::STATUS_ERROR)
            throw new InvalidArgumentException('Course is not properly formatted: ' . $jobResult->getMessage());

        return $jobResult->getImportResult()->getCourse();

     * Creates a registration allowing the learner to consume the course
     * content. A registration is the link between a learner and a single
     * course.
     * @param string $courseId       Id of the course to register the learner for.
     * @param string $learnerId      Id that will be used to identify the learner.
     * @param string $registrationId Id that will be used to identify the registration.
    function createRegistration($courseId, $learnerId, $registrationId) {
        // (Optional) Further authenticate via OAuth token access
        // $this->configureOAuth([ 'write:registration' ]);

        $registrationApi = new ScormCloud\Api\RegistrationApi();
        $learner = new ScormCloud\Model\LearnerSchema([ 'id' => $learnerId ]);
        $registration = new ScormCloud\Model\CreateRegistrationSchema([ 'course_id' => $courseId, 'learner' => $learner, 'registration_id' => $registrationId]);

     * Builds a url allowing the learner to access the course.
     * This sample will build the launch link and print it out. It will then
     * pause and wait for user input, allowing you to navigate to the course
     * to generate sample learner progress. Once this step has been reached,
     * hitting the enter key will continue program execution.
     * @param string $registrationId Id of the registration the link is being built for.
     * @return string Link for the learner to launch the course.
    function buildLaunchLink($registrationId) {
        // (Optional) Further authenticate via OAuth token access
        // $this->configureOAuth([ 'read:registration' ]);

        $registrationApi = new ScormCloud\Api\RegistrationApi();
        $settings = new ScormCloud\Model\LaunchLinkRequestSchema([ 'redirect_on_exit_url'  => 'Message' ]);
        $launchLink = $registrationApi->buildRegistrationLaunchLink($registrationId, $settings);

        return $launchLink->getLaunchLink();

     * Gets information about the progress of the registration.
     * For the most up-to-date results, you should implement our postback
     * mechanism. The basic premise is that any update to the registration
     * would cause us to send the updated results to your system.
     * More details can be found in the documentation:
     * @param string Id of the registration to get results for.
     * @return ScormCloud\Model\RegistrationSchema Detailed information about the registration's progress.
    function getResultForRegistration($registrationId) {
        // (Optional) Further authenticate via OAuth token access
        // $this->configureOAuth([ 'read:registration' ]);

        $registrationApi = new ScormCloud\Api\RegistrationApi();
        $progress = $registrationApi->getRegistrationProgress($registrationId);

        return $progress;

     * Gets information about all courses. The result received from the API
     * call is a paginated list, meaning that additional calls are