1. Go to this page and download the library: Download rumd3x/php-ftp library. Choose the download type require.
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards https://php-download.com/ */
rumd3x / php-ftp example snippets
$ftp = new Rumd3x\Ftp\Ftp('host.example.com', 'user', 'pass', 21);
$conn1 = $ftp->isConnected();
print_r($conn1); // Returns a boolean;
$ftp2 = new Rumd3x\Ftp\Ftp();
$conn2 = $ftp2->setHost('')->setSecure()->setPort(666)->connect()
print_r($conn2); // Returns a boolean;
// or
$ftp3 = new Rumd3x\Ftp\Ftp(21, 'ssl', 'user', 'pass', 'host.example.com');
$conn3 = $ftp3->isConnected();
print_r($conn3); // Returns a boolean;
$ftp = new Rumd3x\Ftp\Ftp('host.example.com', 'user', 'pass', 21);
$ftp->keepAlive(); // Sends NOOP to the server to keep the connection alive
$return = $ftp->executeRaw("NOOP"); // Allows you to send a arbitrary commands to the server
print_r($return); // Outputs a object with the response data
$files = $ftp->getAll();
// Returns an array of mixed Directories and Files as instances of FtpFolder and FtpFile respectively
// All directories comes first, then all the files
$dir = $ftp->currentFolder(); // gets the current folder directory you are in on the server
// $dir has "/"
$dir = $ftp->createFolder('test/example/123')->dir('test')->dir('example/123')->currentFolder();
// $dir now has "/test/example/123"
$dir = $ftp->up()->up()->currentFolder();
// $dir now has "/test"
$ftp = new Rumd3x\Ftp\Ftp('host.example.com', 'user', 'pass', 21);
$folders = $ftp->getFolders(); // Outputs an array of Rumd3x\Ftp\FtpFolder
$folder = $ftp->getFolder('test');
// Outputs an instance of Rumd3x\Ftp\FtpFolder in case the folder with name 'test' exists in the current directory
$folder_name = $folder->name; // name property of FtpFolder
$folder_full_name = $folder->full_name; // full_name property of FtpFolder
$folder_timestamp = $folder->timestamp; // timestamp property of FtpFolder
$folder_permission = $folder->permission; // permission property of FtpFolder
//Connect to the FTP Server
$ftp = new Rumd3x\Ftp\Ftp('host.example.com', 'user', 'pass', 21);
//Create the folder 'FolderName' on your current dir
$folder = new Rumd3x\Ftp\FtpFolder($ftp, 'FolderName');
$folder->create()->navigateTo(); // creates the folder and navigates to it
$ftp->up(); // navigates one level up
$folder->delete(); // deletes the folder from the server
$ftp = new Rumd3x\Ftp\Ftp('host.example.com', 'user', 'pass', 21);
$folders = $ftp->getFiles(); // Outputs an array of Rumd3x\Ftp\FtpFile
// Outputs an instance of Rumd3x\Ftp\FtpFile in case the folder with name 'file.txt' exists in the current directory
$file = $ftp->getFolder('file.txt');
// File properties
$file_name = $file->name; // name property of FtpFile
$file_full_name = $file->full_name; // full_name property of FtpFile
$file_timestamp = $file->timestamp; // timestamp property of FtpFile
$file_permission = $file->permission; // permission property of FtpFile
$file->getContents(); // Returns a string with the file contents
$file->delete(); // Returns a boolean with the success flag
$local_file = '/tmp/file.txt';
$file->download($local_file); // Will download the file to the local file path
$local_file = '/tmp/file.txt';
$file->download($local_file, true); // Will download the file asynchronously to the local file path
$local_file = '/tmp/file.txt';
// Will also download the file asynchronously to the local file path
$file->download($local_file, function($status) {
if ($status === FTP_FINISHED) {
echo 'Download success.';
} elseif ($status === FTP_FAILED) {
echo 'Download failed.';
} else {
echo 'Something else happened.';
$ftp = new Rumd3x\Ftp\Ftp('host.example.com', 'user', 'pass', 21);
$local_file = '/etc/file.txt';
$contents = file_get_contents($local_file);
//Create the file 'file.txt' on your current dir
$file = new Rumd3x\Ftp\FtpFile($ftp, 'file.txt');
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