PHP code example of ruler / ruler

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download ruler/ruler library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


ruler / ruler example snippets

$rb = new RuleBuilder;
$rule = $rb->create(
    function() {
        echo 'YAY!';

$context = new Context([
    'minNumPeople' => 5,
    'maxNumPeople' => 25,
    'actualNumPeople' => fn() => 6,

$rule->execute($context); // "Yay!"

$actualNumPeople = new Variable('actualNumPeople');
$rule = new Rule(
    new Operator\LogicalAnd([
        new Operator\LessThanOrEqualTo(new Variable('minNumPeople'), $actualNumPeople),
        new Operator\GreaterThanOrEqualTo(new Variable('maxNumPeople'), $actualNumPeople)
    function() {
        echo 'YAY!';

$context = new Context([
    'minNumPeople' => 5,
    'maxNumPeople' => 25,
    'actualNumPeople' => fn() => 6,

$rule->execute($context); // "Yay!"

// These are Variables. They'll be replaced by terminal values during Rule evaluation.

$a = $rb['a'];
$b = $rb['b'];

// Here are bunch of Propositions. They're not too useful by themselves, but they
// are the building blocks of Rules, so you'll need 'em in a bit.

$a->greaterThan($b);                      // true if $a > $b
$a->greaterThanOrEqualTo($b);             // true if $a >= $b
$a->lessThan($b);                         // true if $a < $b
$a->lessThanOrEqualTo($b);                // true if $a <= $b
$a->equalTo($b);                          // true if $a == $b
$a->notEqualTo($b);                       // true if $a != $b
$a->stringContains($b);                   // true if strpos($b, $a) !== false
$a->stringDoesNotContain($b);             // true if strpos($b, $a) === false
$a->stringContainsInsensitive($b);        // true if stripos($b, $a) !== false
$a->stringDoesNotContainInsensitive($b);  // true if stripos($b, $a) === false
$a->startsWith($b);                       // true if strpos($b, $a) === 0
$a->startsWithInsensitive($b);            // true if stripos($b, $a) === 0
$a->endsWith($b);                         // true if strpos($b, $a) === len($a) - len($b)
$a->endsWithInsensitive($b);              // true if stripos($b, $a) === len($a) - len($b)
$a->sameAs($b);                           // true if $a === $b
$a->notSameAs($b);                        // true if $a !== $b

$c = $rb['c'];
$d = $rb['d'];

// Mathematical operators are a bit different. They're not Propositions, so
// they don't belong in rules all by themselves, but they can be combined
// with Propositions for great justice.


// Of course, there are more.

$c->add($d);          // $c + $d
$c->subtract($d);     // $c - $d
$c->multiply($d);     // $c * $d
$c->divide($d);       // $c / $d
$c->modulo($d);       // $c % $d
$c->exponentiate($d); // $c ** $d
$c->negate();         // -$c
$c->ceil();           // ceil($c)
$c->floor();          // floor($c)

$e = $rb['e']; // These should both be arrays
$f = $rb['f'];

// Manipulate sets with set operators


// And use set Propositions to 

// Create a Rule with an $a == $b condition
$aEqualsB = $rb->create($a->equalTo($b));

// Create another Rule with an $a != $b condition
$aDoesNotEqualB = $rb->create($a->notEqualTo($b));

// Now combine them for a tautology!
// (Because Rules are also Propositions, they can be combined to make MEGARULES)
$eitherOne = $rb->create($rb->logicalOr($aEqualsB, $aDoesNotEqualB));

// Just to mix things up, we'll populate our evaluation context with completely
// random values...
$context = new Context([
    'a' => rand(),
    'b' => rand(),

// Hint: this is always true!

$rb->logicalNot($aEqualsB);                  // The same as $aDoesNotEqualB :)
$rb->logicalAnd($aEqualsB, $aDoesNotEqualB); // True if both conditions are true
$rb->logicalOr($aEqualsB, $aDoesNotEqualB);  // True if either condition is true
$rb->logicalXor($aEqualsB, $aDoesNotEqualB); // True if only one condition is true

$context = new Context([
    'userName' => fn() => $_SESSION['userName'] ?? null,

$userIsLoggedIn = $rb->create($rb['userName']->notEqualTo(null));

if ($userIsLoggedIn->evaluate($context)) {
    // Do something special for logged in users!

$hiJustin = $rb->create(
    function() {
        echo "Hi, Justin!";

$hiJustin->execute($context);  // "Hi, Justin!"

$hiJon = $rb->create(
    function() {
        echo "Hey there Jon!";

$hiEveryoneElse = $rb->create(
        $rb->logicalNot($rb->logicalOr($hiJustin, $hiJon)), // The user is neither Justin nor Jon
        $userIsLoggedIn                                     // ... but a user nonetheless
    function() use ($context) {
        echo sprintf("Hello, %s", $context['userName']);

$rules = new RuleSet([$hiJustin, $hiJon, $hiEveryoneElse]);

// Let's add one more Rule, so non-authenticated users have a chance to log in
$redirectForAuthentication = $rb->create($rb->logicalNot($userIsLoggedIn), function() {
    header('Location: /login');


// Now execute() all true Rules.
// Astute readers will note that the Rules we defined are mutually exclusive, so
// at most one of them will evaluate to true and execute an action...

$context = new Context;

// Some static values...
$context['reallyAnnoyingUsers'] = ['bobthecow', 'jwage'];

// You'll remember this one from before
$context['userName'] = fn() => $_SESSION['userName'] ?? null;

// Let's pretend you have an EntityManager named `$em`...
$context['user'] = function() use ($em, $context) {
    if ($userName = $context['userName']) {
        return $em->getRepository('Users')->findByUserName($userName);

$context['orderCount'] = function() use ($em, $context) {
    if ($user = $context['user']) {
        return $em->getRepository('Orders')->findByUser($user)->count();

    return 0;

    function() use ($shipManager, $context) {

// Reusing our $context from the last example...

// We'll define a few context variables for determining what roles a user has,
// and their full name:

$context['userRoles'] = function() use ($em, $context) {
    if ($user = $context['user']) {
        return $user->roles();
    } else {
        // return a default "anonymous" role if there is no current user
        return ['anonymous'];

$context['userFullName'] = function() use ($em, $context) {
    if ($user = $context['user']) {
        return $user->fullName;

// Now we'll create a rule to write the log message

    function() use ($context, $logger) {
        $logger->info(sprintf("Admin user %s did a thing!", $context['userFullName']));

// We can skip over the Context Variable building above. We'll simply set our,
// default roles on the VariableProperty itself, then go right to writing rules:

$rb['user']['roles'] = ['anonymous'];

    function() use ($context, $logger) {
        $logger->info(sprintf("Admin user %s did a thing!", $context['user']['fullName']);

namespace My\Ruler\Operators;

use Ruler\Context;
use Ruler\Operator\VariableOperator;
use Ruler\Proposition;
use Ruler\Value;

class ALotGreaterThan extends VariableOperator implements Proposition
    public function evaluate(Context $context): bool
        list($left, $right) = $this->getOperands();
        $value = $right->prepareValue($context)->getValue() * 10;

        return $left->prepareValue($context)->greaterThan(new Value($value));

    protected function getOperandCardinality()
        return static::BINARY;
