PHP code example of ruckusing / ruckusing-migrations

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download ruckusing/ruckusing-migrations library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


ruckusing / ruckusing-migrations example snippets

# ruckusing.conf.php

return array(
 /* ... snip ... */,
 'tasks_dir' => RUCKUSING_WORKING_BASE . '/custom_tasks'



    $users = $this->create_table("users");

    $users->column("first_name", "string");
    $users->column("last_name", "string");


    $this->create_table('users', array('options' => 'Engine=InnoDB'));

    $this->create_table('users', array('id' => false));

    $t = $this->create_table('users', array('id' => false, 'options' => 'Engine=InnoDB'));
    $t->column('guid', 'string', array('primary_key' => true, 'limit' => 64));


   // rename from "users" to "people"
   $this->rename_table("users", "people");

    $this->remove_column("users", "age");

    $this->rename_column("users", "first_name", "fname");

    $this->change_column("users", "first_name", "string", array('limit' => 128) );


    $this->add_timestamps("users", "created", "updated");

    $this->add_index("users", "email");

    $this->add_index("users", "ssn", array('unique' => true)));

    $this->add_index("posts", "blog_id", array('name' => 'index_on_blog_id'));

    $this->add_index("users", array('email', 'ssn') );

    $this->remove_index("users", "email");

    $this->remove_index("users", array("email", "ssn") );

    $this->remove_index("users", "email", array('name' => "index_on_email_column") );

    $this->execute("UPDATE foo SET name = 'bar' WHERE .... ");

    $result = $this->select_one("SELECT SUM(total_price) AS total_price FROM orders");
    if($result) {
     echo "Your revenue is: " . $result['total_price'];

    $result = $this->select_all("SELECT email, first_name, last_name FROM users WHERE created_at >= SUBDATE( NOW(), INTERVAL 7 DAY)");

    if($result) {
      echo "New customers: (" . count($result) . ")\n";
      foreach($result as $row) {
        printf("(%s) %s %s\n", $row['email'], $row['first_name'], $row['last_name']);

$ php ruckus.php db:generate create_users_table

Created OK
Created migration: 20121112163653_CreateUsersTable.php

$ php ruckus.php db:generate create_items_table module=module_name

Created OK
Created migration: 20121112163653_CreateItemsTable.php

class CreateUsersTable extends Ruckusing_Migration_Base {

	public function up() {


	public function down() {


$ ENV=test php db:migrate

$ php ruckus.php db:migrate

$ php ruckus.php db:migrate VERSION=-1

$ php ruckus.php db:migrate VERSION=20121114001742
$ vi config/
$ mysql -uroot -p < tests/test.sql
$ phpunit tests/unit/MySQLAdapterTest.php