PHP code example of rtek / aws-gen

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download rtek/aws-gen library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


rtek / aws-gen example snippets

namespace App;

use Rtek\AwsGen\Generator;
use Rtek\AwsGen\Writer\DirWriter;

$gen = new Generator('App\\AwsGen');  //generate classes to the 'App\AwsGen' namespace
$gen->addService('s3', '2006-03-01'); //add the s3 service, version optional
DirWriter::create('src')              //set the root directory to write the files
    ->setPsr4Prefix('App\\')          //optionally set a PSR4 prefix
    ->write($gen);                    //writes App\AwsGen\S3 to src/AwsGen/S3


namespace App;

use App\AwsGen\S3 as S3;

$config = [
    'credentials' => [
        'key' => '***',
        'secret' => '***',
    'region' => 'us-east-1', 
//generated client extends `\Aws\S3Client` with the same config as SDK except
//for `version` which is overridden by the specified generation version
$client = new S3\S3Client($config); 
//the operation input create(...) contains S3\PutObjectRequest::create($bucket, $key = 'foo.txt')
        ->Body('bar baz')->ContentType('text/plain')

//`\ArrayAccess` works as usual since output classes extend `\Aws\Result`
echo "Created object {$key} with ETag {$output['ETag']}\n"; 

//supports setting values via array by constructor
$input = new S3\GetObjectRequest([
    'Bucket' => $bucket,
    'Key' => $key,
$output = $client->getObject($input);
echo "The object has a body of: {$output->Body()}\n";

//you can bypass AwsGen classes by passing the array argument to the client
$result = $client->getObject([
    'Bucket' => $bucket,
    'Key' => $key,
echo "The object still has a body of: {$result['Body']}\n";

//`\IteratorAggregate` is implemented for iterable properties
$output = $client->listObjectsV2(S3\ListObjectsV2Request::create($bucket));
foreach ($output->Contents() as $object) {
    $client->deleteObject(S3\DeleteObjectRequest::create($bucket, $object->getKey()));

$ vendor/bin/aws-gen generate

 Search Service:
 > s3

 Choose Service [Search again]:
  [0] Stop searching
  [1] Search again
  [2] s3
  [3] s3:2006-03-01
  [4] s3control
  [5] s3control:2018-08-20
 > 2

 What namespace? [App\AwsGen\]:
 > App\AwsGen\

 What output directory? [src]:
 > src

 PSR-4 namespace prefix? [App\AwsGen\]:
  [1] App\
  [2] App\AwsGen\
 > 1

Generating: s3

 Added s3:latest

 [OK] Wrote 294 files to src/AwsGen/