PHP code example of rsaccani / mail-mime-parser

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download rsaccani/mail-mime-parser library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


rsaccani / mail-mime-parser example snippets

$handle = fopen('file.mime', 'r');
$message = $mailParser->parse($handle);         // returned `Message`

// attaches the resource handle to the returned `IMessage` if the second parameter
// is true.  The resource handle is closed when the IMessage is destroyed.
$message = $mailParser->parse(fopen('file.mime', 'r'), true);

use ZBateson\MailMimeParser\MailMimeParser;
use ZBateson\MailMimeParser\Message;
use ZBateson\MailMimeParser\Header\HeaderConsts;

// use an instance of MailMimeParser as a class dependency
$mailParser = new MailMimeParser();

// parse() accepts a string, resource or Psr7 StreamInterface
// pass `true` as the second argument to attach the passed $handle and close
// it when the returned IMessage is destroyed.
$handle = fopen('file.mime', 'r');
$message = $mailParser->parse($handle, false);         // returns `IMessage`

// OR: use this procedurally (Message::from also accepts a string,
// resource or Psr7 StreamInterface
// true or false as second parameter doesn't matter if passing a string.
$string = "Content-Type: text/plain\r\nSubject: Test\r\n\r\nMessage";
$message = Message::from($string, false);

echo $message->getHeaderValue(HeaderConsts::FROM);     // [email protected]
echo $message
    ->getHeader(HeaderConsts::FROM)                    // AddressHeader
    ->getPersonName();                                 // Person Name
echo $message->getHeaderValue(HeaderConsts::SUBJECT);  // The email's subject
echo $message
    ->getHeader(HeaderConsts::TO)                      // also AddressHeader
    ->getAddresses()[0]                                // AddressPart
    ->getPersonName();                                 // Person Name
echo $message
    ->getHeader(HeaderConsts::CC)                      // also AddressHeader
    ->getAddresses()[0]                                // AddressPart
    ->getEmail();                                      // [email protected]

echo $message->getTextContent();                       // or getHtmlContent()

echo $message->getHeader('X-Foo');                     // for custom or undocumented headers

$att = $message->getAttachmentPart(0);                 // first attachment
echo $att->getHeaderValue(HeaderConsts::CONTENT_TYPE); // e.g. "text/plain"
echo $att->getHeaderParameter(                         // value of "charset" part
echo $att->getContent();                               // get the attached file's contents
$stream = $att->getContentStream();                    // the file is decoded automatically
$dest = \GuzzleHttp\Psr7\stream_for(
    $stream, $dest
// OR: more simply if saving or copying to another stream
$att->saveContent('my-file.ext');               // writes to my-file.ext
$att->saveContent($stream);                     // copies to the stream

// close only when $message is no longer being used.