PHP code example of rotexsoft / versatile-collections

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download rotexsoft/versatile-collections library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


rotexsoft / versatile-collections example snippets

use \VersatileCollections\GenericCollection;

// items to be stored in your collection
$item1 = ['yabadoo'];                        // an array
$item2 = function(){ echo 'Hello World!'; }; // a callable
$item3 = 777.888;                            // a float
$item4 = 777;                                // an int
$item5 = new \stdClass();                    // an object
$item6 = new \ArrayObject([]);               // another object
$item7 = tmpfile();                          // a resource
$item8 = true;                               // a boolean
$item9 = "true";                             // a string

// Technique 1: pass the items to the constructor of the collection class
$collection = new \VersatileCollections\GenericCollection(
    $item1, $item2, $item3, $item4, $item5, $item6, $item7, $item8, $item9

// Technique 2: pass the items in an array using argument unpacking
//              to the constructor of the collection class
$collection = new GenericCollection(
    ...[$item1, $item2, $item3, $item4, $item5, $item6, $item7, $item8, $item9]

// Technique 3: pass the items in an iterable (such as an array) to the static makeNew helper method
//              available in all collection classes
$collection = GenericCollection::makeNew(
    [$item1, $item2, $item3, $item4, $item5, $item6, $item7, $item8, $item9]

// Technique 4: create an empty collection object and subsequently add each
//              item to the collection via array assignment syntax or object
//              property assignment syntax or using the appendItem($item), 
//              prependItem($item, $key=null), push($item) or put($key, $value)
//              methods
$collection = new GenericCollection(); // empty collection
// OR
$collection = GenericCollection::makeNew(); // empty collection

$collection[] = $item1; // array assignment syntax without key
                        // the item is automatically assigned
                        // the next available integer key. In
                        // this case 0

$collection[] = $item2; // array assignment syntax without key
                        // the next available integer key in this
                        // case is 1

$collection['some_key'] = $item3; // array assignment syntax with specified key `some_key`

$collection->some_key = $item4; // object property assignment syntax with specified property
                                // `some_key`. This will update $collection['some_key']
                                // changing its value from $item3 to $item4

$collection->appendItem($item3)  // same effect as:
           ->appendItem($item5); //     $collection[] = $item3;
                                 //     $collection[] = $item5;
                                 // Adds an item to the end of the collection    
                                 // You can chain the method calls

$collection->prependItem($item6, 'new_key'); // adds an item with the optional
                                             // specified key to the front of
                                             // collection.
                                             // You can chain the method calls

$collection->push($item7);  // same effect as:
                            //     $collection[] = $item7;
                            // Adds an item to the end of the collection    
                            // You can chain the method calls

$collection->put('eight_item', $item8)  // same effect as:
           ->put('ninth_item', $item9); //     $collection['eight_item'] = $item8;
                                        //     $collection['ninth_item'] = $item9;
                                        // Adds an item with the specified key to 
                                        // the collection. If the specified key
                                        // already exists in the collection the
                                        // item previously associated with the 
                                        // key is overwritten with the new item.    
                                        // You can chain the method calls

use \VersatileCollections\StrictlyTypedCollectionInterface;

class PdoCollection implements StrictlyTypedCollectionInterface { //1. Implement interface
    use \VersatileCollections\StrictlyTypedCollectionInterfaceImplementationTrait; //2. Use trait
    public function __construct(\PDO ...$pdo_objs) { //3. Optionally override the constructor with a type
                                                     //   specific one
        $this->versatile_collections_items = $pdo_objs;

     * @return bool true if $item is of the expected type, else false
    public function checkType(mixed $item): bool { //4. implement interface methods not implemented in trait above
        return ($item instanceof \PDO);
     * @return string|array a string or array of strings of type name(s) 
     *                      for items acceptable in instances of this 
     *                      collection class
    public function getTypes(): \VersatileCollections\StringsCollection { //4. implement interface methods not implemented in trait above
        return new \VersatileCollections\StringsCollection(\PDO::class);