PHP code example of romeoz / rock-route

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download romeoz/rock-route library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


romeoz / rock-route example snippets

// url:        

$route = new Route();
$handler = function(Route $route){
    return 'id: ' . $route->getParam('id');
$route->get('/items/{id:\d+}/', $handler, ['as' => 'item']);
$route->post('/items/', ['\namespace\SomeController', 'actionCreate']);

// output: 'id: 7'

echo Alias::getAlias('@item', ['id' => 15]); 

// output: '/items/15/'

$pattern = [
    Route::FILTER_HOST => '{sub:[a-z]+}',
    Route::FILTER_PATH => '/items/{id:\d+}/',
    Route::FILTER_GET => [
        'query' => true, 
        'view' => 'all', 
        'order' => 'sort-{order:(asc|desc)}'
$route->post($pattern, $handler);

$config = [
    'rules' => [
        'item' => [Route::GET, '/items/{id:\d+}/', $handler]

$route = new Route($config);

$config = [
    'groups' => [
        'api' => [
            [Route::GET, Route::POST],
            [ Route::FILTER_HOST => '' ],
            'rules' => [
                'item' => [Route::GET, '/items/{id:\d+}/', $handler]

$route = new Route($config);

$route = new Route();
$handler = function(){
    return 'Hello world!';

$filters = [
    'access' => [
        'class' => '\rock\route\filters\AccessFilter',
        'rules' => [
            'allow' => true,
            'ips' => ['']
$route->get('/items/{id:\d+}/', $handler, ['filters' => $filters]);

$filters = function(Route $route){
    return $route->request->isAjax();

$route = new Route();
$route->REST('items', 'ItemsController');

class ItemsController
    // GET /items/
    public function actionIndex()
        return 'index';

    // GET /items/7/
    public function actionShow()
        return 'show';

    // POST /items/
    public function actionCreate()
        return 'create';

    // PUT /items/7/
    public function actionUpdate()
        return 'update';

    // DELETE /items/7/
    public function actionDelete()
        return 'delete';

$route->REST('items', 'ItemsController', ['only' => ['show', 'create']]);

$config = [
    'RESTHandlers' => [
            'all' => [
                ['{controller}', 'actionAll']
            'one' => [
                ['{controller}', 'actionOne']
            'create' => [
                [Route::POST, Route::OPTIONS],
                ['{controller}', 'actionCreate']  
            'update' => [
                [Route::PUT, Route::PATCH, Route::OPTIONS],
                ['{controller}', 'actionUpdate']
            'delete' => [
                [Route::DELETE, Route::OPTIONS],
                ['{controller}', 'actionDelete'] 

$route = new Route($config);

// url:  

$route = new Route();

$handler = function(Route $route) {
    $handler = function(Route $route){      
        return 'id: ' . $route['id'];
    $route->get('/items/{id:\d+}/', $handler, ['as' => 'item']);
    return $route;

$route->group(Route::ANY, '/api/{url:.+}', $handler, ['path' => '/api/', 'as' => 'api']);

// output: 'id: 7'

echo Alias::getAlias('@api.item', ['id' => 15]); 

// output: '/api/items/15/'        

// url:  

$route = new Route();

$handler = function(Route $route) {
    $handler = function(Route $route){      
        return 'id: ' . $route['id'];
    $route->get('/items/{id:\d+}/', $handler, ['as' => 'item']);
    return $route;

$route->group(Route::ANY, [ Route::FILTER_HOST => '' ], $handler, ['as' => 'api']);

// output: 'id: 7'

echo Alias::getAlias('@api.item', ['id' => 15]); 

// output: ''        

$route->get('/items/{id:\d+}/', $handler, ['as' => 'item']);

echo Alias::getAlias('@item', ['id' => 15]); 

// output: '/items/15/'

$pattern = [
    Route::FILTER_HOST => '{sub:[a-z]+}',
    Route::FILTER_PATH => '/items/{id:\d+}/',
    Route::FILTER_GET => [
        'query' => true, 
        'view' => 'all', 
        'order' => 'sort-{order:(asc|desc)}'
$route->get($pattern, $handler, ['as' => 'item']);

echo Alias::getAlias('@item');

// output: {sub}{id}/?view=all&order=sort-{order}

    [ Route::FILTER_HOST => '' ], 
    $handler, ['as' => 'api']

$config = [
    'rules' => [
        'item' => [Route::GET, '/items/{id:\d+}/', $handler]

$route = new Route($config);

echo Alias::getAlias('@item'); 

// output: '/items/{id}/'

$response = new \rock\response\Response;
$route = new Route(['response' => $response]);

$handler = function(Route $route){
    $route->response->format = \rock\response\Response::FORMAT_JSON;
    return ['id' => $route->getParam('id')];

$route->get('/items/{id:\d+}/', $handler, ['as' => 'item']);

// output: {"id":7}

$route = new Route;

$route->get('/', ['ItemsController', 'actionIndex'])

class ItemsController
    public function actionIndex(\rock\request\Request $request)
        return $request::className();

// output: 'rock\request\Request'

// url:        

$route = new Route();
$handler = function(Route $route){
    return 'hello';
$route->get('/foo/{id:\d+}/', $handler);
$route->post('/bar/{id:\d+}', ['\namespace\BarController', 'actionIndex']);

class BarController
    public function actionIndex(\rock\route\Route $route)
        $response = (new \rock\route\providers\Local(['route' => $route]))->send('');
        return $response->getContent() . ' world!';

// output: 'hello world!'

$response = (new \rock\route\providers\Remote())->send('');

$cache = new \rock\cache\Memcached;

$route = new Route([
    'cache' => $cache,
    'enableCache' => true
