/* Start to develop here. Best regards https://php-download.com/ */
rollerworks / uri-encoder-doctrine-cache example snippets
use Doctrine\Common\Cache\ArrayCache;
use Doctrine\Common\Cache\ChainCache;
use Rollerworks\Component\UriEncoder\Encoder as UriEncoder;
use Rollerworks\Component\UriEncoder\Cache\DoctrineCache;
// The Doctrine cache library.
$doctrineCache = new ChainCache(
// Include the ArrayCache as the ChainCache will populate all the previous cache layers.
// So if the `FilesystemCache` has a match it will populate the faster ArrayCache.
new ArrayCache(),
// Add an simple cache for fast access, eg. the rollerworks session-cache library.
// https://github.com/rollerworks/Cache
// Rollerworks\Component\UriEncoder\CacheAdapterInterface
$cacheDriver = new DoctrineCache($doctrineCache);
$stringEncode = 'This string is not safe, for direct usage & must encoded';
$base64Encoder = new UriEncoder\Base64UriEncoder();
$cacheEncoder = new UriEncoder\CacheEncoderDecorator($cacheDriver, $base64Encoder);
$safeValue = $cacheEncoder->encodeUri($stringEncode);
// $safeString now contains a base64 encoded string
// and the result is cached using the cacheDriver.
$originalValue = $cacheEncoder->decodeUri($safeValue);