PHP code example of rollerworks / split-token

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download rollerworks/split-token library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


rollerworks / split-token example snippets

use Rollerworks\Component\SplitToken\Argon2SplitTokenFactory;

// First, create the factory to generate a new SplitToken.
// Note: For unit testing it's highly recommended to use
// the FakeSplitTokenFactory instead as cryptographic operations
// can a little heavy.

// Default configuration, shown here for clarity.
$config = [

// Either a DateInterval or a DateInterval parsable-string
$defaultLifeTime = null;

$splitTokenFactory = new Argon2SplitTokenFactory(/*config: $config, */ $defaultLifeTime);

// Optionally set PSR/Clock compatible instance
// $splitTokenFactory->setClock();

// Step 1. Create a new SplitToken for usage

$token = $splitTokenFactory->generate();

// The $authToken holds a \ParagonIE\HiddenString\HiddenString to prevent
// leakage of this value. You need to cast this object to an actual string
// at of usage.
// The $authToken is to be shared with the receiver (user) only.
// The value is already encoded as base64 uri-safe string.
// AGAIN, DO NOT STORE "THIS" VALUE IN THE DATABASE! Store the selector and verifier-hash instead.
$authToken = $token->token(); // Returns a \ParagonIE\HiddenString\HiddenString object

// Indicate when the token must expire. Note that you need to clear the token from storage yourself.
// Pass null (or leave this method call absent) to never expire the token (not recommended).
// If not provided uses "now" + $defaultLifeTime of the factory constructor.
$authToken->expireAt(new \DateTimeImmutable('+1 hour'));

// Now to store the token cast the SplitToken to a SplitTokenValueHolder object.
// Unlike SplitToken this class is final and doesn't hold the full-token string.
// Additionally you store the token with metadata (array only),
// See the linked manual below for more information.
$holder = $token->toValueHolder();

// Setting the token would look something like this.

// UPDATE site_user
// SET
//   recovery_selector = $holder->selector(),
//   recovery_verifier = $holder->verifierHash(),
//   recovery_expires_at = $holder->expiresAt(),
//   recovery_metadata = json_encode($holder->metadata()),
//   recovery_timestamp = NOW()
// WHERE user_id = ...

// ----

// Step 2. Reconstruct the SplitToken from a user provided string.

// When the user provides the token verify if it's valid.
// This will throw an exception of token is not of the expected length.

$token = $splitTokenFactory->fromString($_GET['token']);

// $result = SELECT user_id, recover_verifier, recovery_expires_at, recovery_metadata WHERE recover_selector = $token->selector()
$holder = new SplitTokenValueHolder($token->selector(), $result['recovery_verifier'], $result['recovery_expires_at'], json_decode($result['recovery_metadata'], true));

if ($token->matches($holder)) {
    echo 'OK, you have access';
} else {
    // Note: Make sure to remove the token from storage.

    echo 'NO, I cannot let you do this John.';
$ php composer.phar