PHP code example of rolandsaven / bugherd-bundle

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download rolandsaven/bugherd-bundle library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


rolandsaven / bugherd-bundle example snippets

public function registerBundles()
    $bundles = array(
        // ...
            new RolandSaven\BugherdBundle\BugherdBundle(),
        // ...

// Get the BugHeard Api Client
$bugherd = $this->get('bugherd');

/** Projects **/
// Get all projects
$projects = $bugherd->api('project')->all();

// Get all active projects
$active_projects = $bugherd->api('project')->allActive();

// Get all projects with name/id pairs
$projects = $bugherd->api('project')->listing($forceUpdate, $reverse);

// Get all active projects with name/id pairs
$active_projects = $bugherd->api('project')->listingActive($forceUpdate, $reverse);

// Get project id given its name
$id = $bugherd->api('project')->getIdByName($name);

// Get a project
$project = $bugherd->api('project')->show($id);

// Create a project
$project = $bugherd->api('project')->create(array(
    'name'      => 'Name of the Project',
    'devurl'    => '',
    'is_active' => true,
    'is_public' => false,

/** Users **/
// Get all users
$users = $bugherd->api('user')->all();

// Get all guests
$guests = $bugherd->api('user')->getGuests();

// Get all members
$members = $bugherd->api('user')->getMembers();

/ Tasks **/
// Get a task
$task = $bugherd->api('task')->show($projectId, $taskId);

// Create a task
$task = $bugherd->api('task')->create($projectId, array(
    'description'      => 'Some description',
    'requester_id'     => $requester_id,
    'requester_email'  => $requester_email

// Update a task
$task = $bugherd->api('task')->update($projectId, $taskId, array(
    'description'      => 'Some new description',

// Get all tasks
$tasks = $bugherd->api('task')->all($projectId, array(
    'status' => 'backlog',
    'priority' => 'critical'

/** Organization **/
// Get organization information
$organization = $bugherd->api('organization')->show();

/** Comments **/
// Create a comment
$comment = $bugherd->api('comment')->create($projectId, $taskId, array(
    'text'      => 'some comment',
    'user_id'     => $user_id,
    'user_email'  => $user_email

// Get all comments
$comments = $bugherd->api('comment')->all($projectId, $taskId);

/** Webhooks **/
// Get all webhooks
$webhooks = $bugherd->api('webhook')->all();

// Create a webhook
$webhook = $bugherd->api('webhook')->create(array(
    'target_url' => '',
    'event' => 'task_create' // this could be task_update, task_destroy, comment

// Delete a webhook