PHP code example of rokde / laravel-subscription-manager

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download rokde/laravel-subscription-manager library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


rokde / laravel-subscription-manager example snippets

// \App\Models\User
class User extends \Illuminate\Foundation\Auth\User {
    use \Rokde\SubscriptionManager\Models\Concerns\Subscribable;

//  using the SubscriptionBuilder, presented by Subscribable trait
/** @var \Rokde\SubscriptionManager\Models\Factory\SubscriptionBuilder $builder */
$builder = $user->newSubscription();    // without any plan
// or
$plan = \Rokde\SubscriptionManager\Models\Plan::byName('Superior');
$builder = $user->newSubscription($plan);    // subscribing to a plan -> the list of features will be taken from the plan
// or
$builder = $user->newFeatureSubscription(['feature-1', 'feature-2']);    // just a list of features, must not exist in database

$builder->periodLength('P1M')   // set period length to a month (default is 1 year)
    ->infinitePeriod()          // or set an infinite period
    ->trialDays(30)             // set 30 days for trial
    ->skipTrial()               // or skip trial (default)
    ->create();                 // and create a subscription

$subscription->circles(); // resolves a list of SubscriptionCircles 

$user->subscription->cancel();              // cancel at the end of the current circle or at the end of the trial when you are on a trial
// or
$user->subscription->cancelNow();           // cancel just right now
// or
$user->subscription->cancelAt($datetime);   // cancel at a concrete time

$user->subscription->resume();  // resume a cancelled subscription within grace period

$meteredFeature = (new CreateFeatureAction())->execute('users-count', true);

$subscription = (new CreateSubscriptionFromFeaturesAction())
    ->execute([$meteredFeature], request()->user(), function (SubscriptionBuilder $builder) {
        $builder->setQuota('users-count', 10); // allow 10 users

// /routes/web.php
Route::group(['middleware' => 'subscribed'], function () {
    // here you can define your premium routes

// /routes/web.php
Route::group(['middleware' => 'subscribed:track-time'], function () {
    // here you can define your routes for all users which have subscribed to a feature "track-time"

// @var \App\Models\User|\App\Models\Team $subscribable
//  just currently active subscriptions
$hasAnyActiveSubscription = $subscribable->subscribed();
$isActivelySubscribedToAConcreteFeature = $subscribable->subscribed('feature-1');

//  active and past subscriptions
$hasAnySubscriptionEver = $subscribable->everSubscribed();
$wasSubscribedToAConcreteFeature = $subscribable->everSubscribed('feature-1');

// @var \App\Models\User|\App\Models\Team $subscribable
$allFeatures = $subscribable->subscribedFeatures(); // ['feature-1', 'feature-2']

// \App\Providers\AppServiceProvider::register()
\Rokde\SubscriptionManager\SubscribableResolver::resolveSubscribable(function () {
    return optional(\Illuminate\Support\Facades\Auth::user())->currentTeam;

// \App\Models\Team
class Team extends \Laravel\Jetstream\Team {
    use \Rokde\SubscriptionManager\Models\Concerns\Subscribable;

$history = new \Rokde\SubscriptionManager\Insights\SubscriptionHistory();
$histogram = $history->get(); // keyed-map

'2021-01-01' => [
    'start' => '2021-01-01 00:00:00',   // start of period
    'end' => '2021-02-01 00:00:00',     // end of period
    'count' => 3,                       // number of subscriptions within the period
    'new' => 2,                         // newly created subscriptions within the period
    'trial' => 2,                       // number of subscriptions being on trial within the period
    'grace' => 2,                       // number of subscriptions being on grace period within the period
    'ended' => 2,                       // subscriptions finally ended within the period
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Rokde\SubscriptionManager\SubscriptionManagerServiceProvider" --tag="laravel-subscription-manager-migrations"
php artisan migrate --step
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Rokde\SubscriptionManager\SubscriptionManagerServiceProvider" --tag="laravel-subscription-manager-config"