PHP code example of rogervila / array-diff-multidimensional

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download rogervila/array-diff-multidimensional library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


rogervila / array-diff-multidimensional example snippets

use Rogervila\ArrayDiffMultidimensional;

$new = [
	'a' => 'b',
	'c' => [
		'd' => 'e',
		'f' => 'Hello',

$old = [
	'a' => 'b',
	'c' => [
		'd' => 'e',
		'f' => 'Goodbye',

// Compare the arrays by calling the 'compare' class method
$result = ArrayDiffMultidimensional::compare($new, $old)

// Or by calling the global helper function
$result = array_diff_multidimensional($new, $old)


	'c' => [
		'f' => 'Hello'

// Passing 'false' as a third parameter will deactivate the strict comparison mode
ArrayDiffMultidimensional::compare($new, $old, false);

array_diff_multidimensional($new, $old, false);

// This method call is equivalent
ArrayDiffMultidimensional::looseComparison($new, $old);

// Comparisons are strict by default
ArrayDiffMultidimensional::compare($new, $old);

array_diff_multidimensional($new, $old);

// This method call is equivalent
ArrayDiffMultidimensional::strictComparison($new, $old);